The Old Porch Swing

snowy swing black and white

Oh the stories this old porch swing could tell…

Of afternoon story time with mama and sons,

and little boy shenanigans, plots, and plans.

Afternoon breaks for dad and mom,

important decisions discussed and planned.

Moonlight kisses,

and engagement photos.

Tears shed while swinging,

both happy and sad.

Deep conversations,

and happy reunions.

You have carried us through,

and will continue to do.

28 thoughts on “The Old Porch Swing

    • Thanks so much Sylvia. I started following Wolfe om Instagram. Wow! What talent that young man has. You must be so proud. I am going to watch him for inspiration!


    • Thanks Barbara – we have moved this swing with us from our other house when the boys were very small, so it has so many memories from two different front porches for us, and it was an antique when we received it, so I am certain it has many more stories. 🙂


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