
New Orleans City Park Sculpture Garden

New Orleans City Park Sculpture Garden Bridge

Am I reflecting joy when I smile at a stranger?
Warmth when I give a hug?

Am I reflecting peace in the words I speak?
Hope in the words I write?

Am I reflecting friendship in my actions towards others?
Beauty in the cherished moments of the day?

Am I reflecting love in the way I live my life?

May I wake up each morning reflecting on the small impact I have on a great big world.

Cherish the moments.

Cheers & Hugs,

WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge:  Grid

34 thoughts on “Reflections

  1. One of the (many) things I like about your blog is how positive it is. Creative artwork, fun recipes, and most of all, a loving and caring attitude towards other people. You do a great job of living up to your ideals. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awh! Thank you so much Ann! You’ve made my day. That is my whole intent. Hey – I have crappy stuff going on in my life like anyone else – have family issues – have down days, but my goal is to share the positive, good side of the moment we can cherish in between the rest of the “crap” we sometimes have to put up with! Thank you for recognizing and enjoying that about my blog! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

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