Eye Spy a Christmas Angel

eva eyes

This week’s WordPress Daily Post Photo Challenge is Eye Spy, and I cannot recall ever spying more beautiful eyes than on this little angel I had the privilege of photographing for fun recently.

Can you even stand the cuteness?!

I dare you not to smile!

This is sweet little Eva, and she is very excited about her first Christmas.

Wishing you the innocence and joy of a child this holiday season.

Cheers & Hugs,

22 thoughts on “Eye Spy a Christmas Angel

  1. Pingback: Take the Pepper; Come Back for the Salt | Catching My Drift

  2. Pingback: WPC: Eye Spy (Ape 2) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  3. Pingback: In the Blink of an Eye. | The Hempstead Man

  4. Pingback: Eva’s First Birthday | life in between

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