Sometimes you just have to Bark: A Charlie Guest Post

charlie and kitty

I’m usually a pretty laid back, easy-going kinda guy.  But yesterday, I couldn’t take it any more.

Mom was busy with her job.  I don’t know what she does all day.  Seems she just stares at the screen of that computer thing or furiously taps on the keys or is talking to other voices through it.  Sure seems rather boring to me.

But I put up with it.

While she is doing that most of the day, I can usually keep myself pretty busy.  I might be doing any number of these great, fun things while she is working:

  • napping
  • playing donut (I especially like to squeak it loud when she is on what she calls a “conference call.”  If I do it enough, she give me a bone, because then I am much quieter.  Ha ha – who is the winner there?!
  • chewing on some old bones in my toy basket
  • emptying out my toy basket
  • going in and outside through my doggie door to explore what is going on in the yard
  • daydreaming out the window and watching for friends to come and go
  • chasing my tail

Don’t you agree that is a much better day than looking at a computer?!

One of the highlights of my day, though, is an afternoon walk.  Mom and I usually do that around what she calls “lunch” time.  She gets to eat AGAIN during the day for lunch.  I only get breakfast and dinner.  What is with that??!!  But – if I get a walk, I am pretty happy.  And besides, I almost always find things on the ground to eat along the way!

So yesterday, noon passed and one o’clock passed (I know this from my internal doggie clock) and then two o’clock passed.  Mom was still staring at that computer, and we had not gone for a walk.  I knew my friend, Kitty, was probably worried and wondered where we were, and I was getting a little “antsy.”

I started to pace.
Mom ignored me.

I licked her bare foot.
She shooshed me away.

I jumped in her lap!
Aha!  Now I have your attention lady!
She laughed and told me to be patient and wait a few more minutes.

So I waited… for what seemed like an eternity (about 20 seconds), and then I just had to do it….


I rarely bark.  No need for such noisy jabber, but sometimes…..
when no other hints or tactics work……
You just have to bark.

Mom laughed.  She really did need a break.
And we went for a walk.

And I got to tell Kitty all about how the barking worked.
Kitty is going to see if barking works at Kitty’s house too.

You might like to try it too…
at your house
if all else fails,
and you really need…
a walk.

Woofs & Wags,


56 thoughts on “Sometimes you just have to Bark: A Charlie Guest Post

  1. Oh my gosh I so love that you and Kitty have made friends, Charlie! Truly, it warms my heart. I am going to try barking! In high school, I’ll tell you that a friend and I used to drive around and randomly bark out the window at people on the sidewalk lol. It was great fun, but I’ve not tried that in many moons. Mayhap I’ll try it inside first, get my barking warmed up there, then take it to the street, my friend! You’ve inspired me! Thank you, Charlie! 💛😎💛

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hahahaha! Charlie, you are finding out all the things that work to get your mom to do things you want — like going for a walk. Now you are going to bark to get her to “get you.” I sure love the picture of you and kitty! You are a cute little boy. Enjoy those wonderful afternoon walks with your wonderful mom!!


  3. So cute Jodi! I used to have a Shih Tzu who would get antsy about 3 pm if I was still in my studio, and would come in a sit and star at me until I would go sit down in my easy chair so he could sit on my lap! I love that Charlie told kitty!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my word Charlie, it sounds like your mom had the same day I did in front of the computer! I barely had time to eat lunch today. Cwazy Wednesday! That barking trick is pretty cool, I am glad my dog doesn’t know how to read, otherwise she’d start doing that to me too when I get busy at work. 🙂

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