Beauty in the Cracks

in the cracks stone wall flowers

The other evening
after dinner,
I went outside
to breathe in
the gentle fragrance
of the Spring air
and dig my fingers
into the warming earth
to clear the leaves and twigs and “weeds”
in preparation for planting
flowers and herbs and vegetables.

In the crack of the stone wall
in the landscape where nothing should grow
and where I tend to pull out things
that do not “belong,”
I decided to leave this tender
flowering plant
that added life
and its own kind of beauty
when you look at it for what it simply is.

Like life in between,
where I cherish the moments,
I cherish the beauty
in the cracks of life.

The crack in the chip
of an heirloom antique cow creamer,
or the crack in the humor
of a “dig” or a joke from one of my guys.

The crack in the corner of the lips
of a friend’s smile when they see me,
or the crack in the voice of my Dad
when we reminisce
about times we’ve spent together
or the times we sadly missed.

The cracks in the corners of
hubby’s (and even my) eyes
that show we have lived and loved and laughed
throughout the years.
(not to mention another cute crack
when he bends over without a belt!)

There truly is beauty
in the cracks of life
if only we open our eyes to see
the tiny little joys
in the cracks in between.

Cheers & Hugs,

53 thoughts on “Beauty in the Cracks

  1. Beautiful simply beautiful. Taking time to absorb all the things in life that brings a smile to your face and … ……… even things that errrrr crack you up!!
    Italian hugs and so, so insightful. Love your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the reference to your blog title in this poem and how a flower might grow in between the cracks. You’re right about seeing these little cracks in our lives as joys and blessings.
    Very nicely expressed..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. this was SO wonderful!
    I love what you have written Jodi. Your message about the cracks is awesome!
    It is so like how the Japanese take cracked pottery & fill its seams with gold; treating the cracks as part of its honored history. and not something to disguise.

    Liked by 1 person

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