Rocket Pear to Ground Control: “Ready for Take Off”

rocket pear taking off

Are you ready for this adventure called “Today?”

Make it magical…
Make it creative…

Be imaginative…
Be silly…

Gain inspiration from whatever comes your way.
Have Fun!

Cherish the moments.

Cheers & Hugs,

I could have been bummed about that blurry leaf in the bottom left of this photo I took the other day on a walk getting in the way of allowing this to be a “perfect” pear photo, but instead, I had to laugh.  What I somehow crazily saw was silly – a pear rocket ship firing up for take off with a big puff of steam behind it.  Now isn’t that a more FUN way to look at it?!  


36 thoughts on “Rocket Pear to Ground Control: “Ready for Take Off”

  1. Pingback: Fun (Boat Ride 2) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Great words to hear this morning! So far it’s been raining, gloomy and not the best of days, but I think I’ll accept your challenge to make it a magical, creative and fun day instead! Because life is too short not to do so….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Fun! | stenoodie

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