Rise, Shine, Kick Butt


This weekend, I:

  • sipped coffee before the sun rose from a beautiful surprise mug I found in my mailbox filled with “hugs” from one of the sweetest girls in the world
  • was an Assistant to an awesome DJ (that happens to be my first-born son), and took requests for songs I’ve never heard of, but danced in my seat to
  • sewed something pink and soft and secret that I can’t wait to share
  • sampled yummy wedding brunch food for one of the cutest couples in the universe
  • enjoyed a Pittsburgh Steelers victory and Fantasy Football lead
  • painted too many things that went in the trash while indulging in the Entertainment Network’s Red Carpet special for the Emmy’s
  • received a surprise phone call from a sweet friend I haven’t talked to in a while
  • watched the Emmy’s while sipping red wine
  • felt extremely grateful.

Now it’s Monday.
Time to Rise, Shine, and Kick Butt!

Cheers & Hugs,


40 thoughts on “Rise, Shine, Kick Butt

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