

sun dial and hydrangeas, conneaut lake, pa, october 2016


Can fly or crawl,
is free yet priceless,
is forever or an instant,
can be treasured or wasted.

Can be measured by clocks or by moments,
can be traveled in dreams or books,
can be stopped by a kiss or a look or a touch,
can be managed, but never recovered.

We all have the same
seconds in a minute,
minutes in an hour,
hours in a day.

But none of us know
how many days
or hours or seconds
we will have.

Cherish the moments
not measured by clocks
or sundials or calendars
or schedules.

Cherish the moments well spent
with people you love,
or with yourself,
doing the things you love.

Cherish all the moments…
every single moment…
at life…
in between.

Cheers & Hugs,

31 thoughts on “Time

  1. What a beautiful poem, and what a “timely” message. (Sorry, I just couldn’t resist that one!) But seriously, you are every bit as good at painting a picture with word as you are with paints and water colors. This poem was inspiring!

    Liked by 1 person

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