29 Years Ago


29 Years Ago…
I learned the true meaning of unconditional love the moment I held you in my arms.

348 Months Ago…
my life’s purpose was discovered and fulfilled all at once.

18,096 Weeks Ago…
I knew there was nothing you could ever do that would make me stop loving you.

126,672 Days Ago…
my heart doubled in size when two became three – our little family.

3,040,128 Hours Ago…
the sun grew brighter, the grass greener, the sky bluer, the clouds puffier, the air sweeter.

182,407,680 Minutes Ago…
I became your #1 fan, and for a couple thousand minutes… I was yours.

10,944,460,800 Seconds Ago…
was the first second of the best moments of my life.

Happy Birthday JRM  ❤

Love you,

44 thoughts on “29 Years Ago

  1. Oh Jodi this is so precious and beautiful! A mother LOVE is something that will never end and is unconditional I know the feeling! I have one beautiful daughter and she will turn 13 next month, I love the way you wrote this I am inspired to do the same for her! ❤ Happy Birthday to your son! 🙂 Carolina


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