It was all a Blur


It was all a blur…
until I looked closely.

I stopped and closed my eyes,
and I took a deep breath.

I exhaled slowly,
and then I opened my eyes.

And there it was…
I saw the beauty.

Cheers & Hugs,

33 thoughts on “It was all a Blur

  1. Jodi, what a beautiful shot with equally beautiful words. Last weekend, I spent 2 1/2 hrs in a wooded area near our home, taking pictures & just breathing in the quiet & beauty of Mother Nature💛 It was wonderful!

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    • Oh how wonderful for you. This was taken a few days ago in my own backyard which expands into woods. I don’t often enough take the time to enjoy the beauty and breathe it all in. I am trying to more often! I was holding my granddaughter outside yesterday – as it was 76 degrees here in FEBRUARY! – crazy record high of all time in history – and I told her how we are going to go exploring in these woods when she gets bigger 🙂 How a child renews your passion for things. 🙂

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  2. I can so remember my art teacher at school (early/mid 60’s), guiding us through a process of doing more than look ….. but see! Whatever you become aware of by simply looking will, as you clearly know, become so much more if you actually concentrate. You will always see that there is so much more. 🙂

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