My Favorite Roasted Brussels Sprouts

My Favorite Roasted Brussels Sprouts.

After all the cookie recipe posts of late, I thought I would share an amazing vegetable recipe I recently tried and LOVED!

I recalled seeing one of those hyperlapse videos someone shared on Facebook that looked so yummy, so I wrangled these up last Sunday for Hubby and me.  We loved them.

Throw all the ingredients in a Ziploc bag to toss together early in the day or right before serving.  Spread them on a baking stone or sheet and roast to yummy goodness!

If you are a brussels sprouts lover, I think you are really going to enjoy this simple, delicious recipe.

My Favorite Roasted Brussels Sprouts


  • 1 lb. fresh brussels sprouts
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup Panko crumbs
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Cut tough bottoms off brussels sprouts, and then slice in half.  Throw in a gallon Ziploc bag.  Drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle in garlic salt and pepper.  Add Panko crumbs and Parmesan cheese.  Shake and massage bag to full incorporate and coat all brussels sprouts.

(If doing ahead of time, place in refrigerator until ready to roast.)

Pour contents of bag onto baking stone or shallow baking sheet.  Roast approximately 20 minutes until browned and tender, stirring once or twice during roasting.


Cheers & Hugs,

37 thoughts on “My Favorite Roasted Brussels Sprouts

  1. Oh, Jodi—

    Brussels sprouts are my hands-down favorite vegetable, and this recipe makes me want to run right to the store (in my bathrobe) and get some! I can’t WAIT to make this recipe–thank you so much!


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks interesting to try. What is Panko Crumbs though? Similar to bread crumbs I am assuming?
    Looking forward to seeing pics from your son’s wedding yesterday! 🙂 I am sure it was beautiful and I bet the cookie table was a loved by everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s funny – as children me and my sister hated brussel sprouts, we would spit them out into a tissue and then flush them town the toilet and we never got caught! LOL !! But now we both love them – your recipe looks great, I might have to try it… !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m not a Brussel sprouts fan but I will try your recipe on asparagus tonight on the Traeger. I will add the cheese after I take it off. I will let you know how it goes! Hope you are relaxing today, Jodi! 💕💗

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