Learning to Respect the White Space

Cobalt Teal Blue, Lunar Black and Iridescent Gold Abstract Watercolor 11x14

Cobalt Teal Blue, Lunar Black and Iridescent Gold Abstract Watercolor 11×14

Learning to Respect the White Space.

Often times the hardest thing in art
is learning to respect the white space.

As artists, we love color, and we love paint,
and we want to fill the entire space.

But if we do,
there’s nowhere to focus

or to rest our eyes
or our minds.

It’s much like life.

We need to respect that empty “white” space
amongst the busyness

to allow our mind and body,
our heart and soul

to rest
and replenish.

Respect that “white” space.

Cheers & Hugs,

69 thoughts on “Learning to Respect the White Space

  1. Such sage advice and I would extend it to the ‘white space’ all around us … conversation is as much about listening as talking but too often we are tempted to ‘fill the space’ because we are scared of the silence. Yet companionable and contemplative silence is so important for allowing that replenishment.

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    • I agree wholeheartedly. I love white space in writing. When I see it I expect to not feel rushed or overwhelmed with too many words. I feel like there might be an exchange of dialogue or a pause and thoughts and ideas. Anytime I write something and I don’t see enough paragraphs or dialogue and it all looks like one long long run on sentence I tend to go in and put stops and yields and paragraphs to brighten it up. That looks much more fun to me.

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  2. I think leaving so much white space is hard for me in art making – I’d want to add just a smigeon of collage! Lol! 😉 Your colors are beautiful together and I like the addition of gold. I think it is important to find balance in life or leave a little white space so there is room to think or write. You would have liked Lynn Whipple’s class today. ❤️

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  3. This is really interesting to me today of all days. My daughter who is an interior design major and an art minor was just telling me about one of her professors who will not allow you to leave any white space on your canvas. If you do your grade goes down significantly. Even if you have to paint it white you have to put something on to your canvas. I’m sending her this because I think there are two sides to every story. At least most of the time. I kind of enjoy the whitespace myself. It leaves room for adding things or thinking about things or as you said resting.

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  4. Beautiful abstract art Jodi and lovely colours! I think leaving white space in watercolour is quite hard sometimes – you have to know exactly where to leave the white space for best effect and give it some thought before you begin….

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  5. Jodi, this is still a challenging part of my own life. I want to chatter since once I go home my apt and I are silent for hours. Ten years of singleton but I have blogged and filled the silence with listening to others on blogs and looking to see their choices and finally chatting with my fellow bloggers. . . 🕊 Peace is beautiful in white spaces. Loved this so much!! 💖

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