Autumn Reflections

Autumn Reflections Watercolor 11×14 140 lb Cold Press

Autumn Reflections.

Looking back….
I wonder why

it took me
so long

to realize
the beauty

of Autumn’s
brilliant transformation.

Looking forward…
I appreciate the journey

that got me
to this place

where I embrace
the inspiration

of Autumn


Cheers & Hugs,

50 thoughts on “Autumn Reflections

  1. Beautiful words and water-color masterpiece as usual. You are so creative and so versatile in your ability to paint just about anything. Just out of curiosity, have you ever tried to do a water color portrait? ? Roxy and I will volunteer to be your models. Ha Ha ! Luv Gary

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your beautiful imagery and words of autumn make me wnat ot head to the mountains to see the changing colors. We have a few trees changing here but it just doesn’t get cold enough. I also enjoyed looking at your past autumn paintings. Thanks for your inspiring post today, Jodi.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m quite certain that I’ve mentioned this, Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Autumn Reflection is a magnificent watercolor accompanied by your astute verbal reflections, simply beautiful! Benjamin says “I love the trees and paint drips, orange is my favorite!” Thank-you for a ray of sunshine in our rainy day.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved the water color! As for the poem, I think it nailed how we feel when we reach this stage of our lives. We’re not old (yet) but we are certainly in the fall of our lives (I’m hoping September, not November!) and maybe that is why we appreciate it more?

    Liked by 1 person

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