38 thoughts on “Kindness Day….(s)

  1. You know how my heart speaks and my soul feels …. of course every day should be kindness day but great oak trees from tiny acorns grow so Iā€™m happy to embrace today and to thank you for highlighting this most important of days with your beautiful choice of quote, your thoughtful comment and that absolutely stunning picture x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful quote and sentiments! I will repeat something that has become my mantra: In a world where you can be anything, be kind! It requires no work, no cost and should require no thought or effort to simply be kind. Kindness should be just like breathing, just something that one does. Should we even need to be reminded to be kind? Sadly, it is quite apparent that we do. Perhaps calendars should have World Kindness Day listed everyday, maybe then it would become a habit the world over. Thank-you for bringing attention to this much needed day. Magnificent photo too!

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  3. Beautiful perspective on the photograph. Love that you found that quote, and to you for bringing Notice to a day that I never even knew existed. I shall put it to my calender, along with grandparent day. love the poetic creativeness that you bring out in the people of the comments above. thumbs up to the beautiful quotes your friends have shared. I am so blessed by the rippling affects of your grace Jodi.

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