Dear Dictionary… I Need the Word

Dear Dictionary –

talked about this

Your book is lacking
a few words
I so desperately need.

I’ve already told you
there needs to be
a word created

to describe the
the overflowing feeling
of love

I feel
when I think
of my granddaughter.

Other grandparents
this conundrum…

But now
I need
another word…

I watched
the movie

An Academy  Award

for best supporting actress,
best cinematography,
and best writing of an adapted screenplay.

And at the end,
I sat

The anger…
The hatred…
The sorrow…
The heartache…

The hope…
The compassion…
The conviction…
The love…

Dear Dictionary,
can you give me the word
that describes all of this wrapped up in one?

And then I listened
to the closing song,
Mighty River.


I so want to talk
about this
powerful film.

But I don’t
want to
spoil it

for those
who haven’t
seen it.


And let me share the opening verse to Mary J. Blige’s Song, Mighty River:

Life is a teacher, time is a healer
And I’m a believer like a river wild
Ego’s a killer, greed is a monster
But love is stronger, stronger than them all.

Can we
let Love Be Stronger than them All?



53 thoughts on “Dear Dictionary… I Need the Word

  1. Sounds like the movie really hit your heart, I haven’t seen it, and doubt I will. If it doesn’t have a happy ending I’m not going to watch it. I’m too sensitive, to have my heart torn apart, and then dwell on it’s message for months later. I don’t watch scarry movies either. Clue me in if I read between the words in the wrong way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jodi, I could not agree with you more about how we need more words in describing Love. I also agree with you that Love is where it is at and when we do live from that state life changes and everything around you becomes divine. I also thank you for this movie because of late I have been having trouble finding good movies. I am really enjoying sitting while crocheting another blanket for a baby in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in our Children’s Hospital here in Buffalo, New York. I really enjoyed reading your power words. Thank you! May you have a wonderful day this day. Bless you! 💕🌸💕

    Liked by 1 person

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