Make Your Own Kind of Beauty

Make your own kind of beauty.
Create your own special art.

Make your own kind of happy.
Even if nobody else smiles along.

Cheers & Hugs,

This work of reused, repurposed, recycled building materials is proudly and prominently displayed outside of Construction Junction – one of my favorite shopping spots in Pittsburgh.  Construction Junction is a non-profit warehouse that supports and promotes conservation through the sale and reuse of donated  used and surplus building materials.  I visited this past Saturday with a friend when I snapped this photo.  Then…. as so often happens, a favorite song came to mind.  The song “Make Your Own Kind of Music” came into my head, and I made my own “Make Your Own Kind of Beauty/Art/Happy” lyrics.

30 thoughts on “Make Your Own Kind of Beauty

  1. Glad you captured that piece. There is a good message behind it. I visited th Moma in San Francisco earlier this year with my 3 grandgirls 11 & 13. It was a modern art exhibit. 7 floors & outdoors.of
    Painting, sculptures, computer parts, papermache, glass, —-“a r t”. .dont even have a “word” for it…… Maybe 1 floor of pieces were deserving, it was very dissapointing. This piece would have been in it. But, if all those pieces were created by my kids, I would have totally love it anyway. Beware of the Eye of the beholder, it sees thru it & finds the beauty.

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