The World is our Oyster

The World is our Oyster

As we grow older,
we sometimes wish
we were that beautiful young girl or boy we see
who looks so “effortlessly” attractive
in their skinny jeans and tank top
with skin that is tight and glowing
and hair that is long and soft and flowing.
They appear so confident and self-assured.
The world is their oyster.

When we are young,
we often can’t wait
to be those older girls or boys
who are able to choose what they do
and where they go
and make important decisions
and be independent.
They appear so confident and self-assured.
The world is their oyster.

When we are down or sad
we often think
everyone else
has it better
or easier
or is happier
or is smarter
They appear so confident and self-assured.
The world is their oyster.

But you know what?

Nothing is really quite like it seems.

Let’s try to own and like
whoever we are
at whatever stage
of life we are at.
Let’s try not to compare
our insides
to others’ outsides.
We are all kind of a mess.
The world is our oyster.

Cheers & Hugs,

44 thoughts on “The World is our Oyster

  1. Well said Jodi. Needed this reminder this morning. Best to look of our lives as half full rather than half empty….This is what keeps oneself to move forward and not become discouraged and down about everything,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your poem is amazing. Insightful, wise, hopeful, Not your fisrt poem I’m loving but one of your best. Someday you’ll publish a lovely book of Jodies poems for the soul. And by the way you have for one day made a rather ugly, plain, & ordinary oyster sparkle like the beauty, on the outside, of an Abalone. I love Peters comment above …” .. Enjoy the stage of life you are in…”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re so right, Jodi! We all tend to envy those who have what we don’t, whatever it is. And we don’t realize that we have the power to be happy with exactly who we are and what we have…. I LOVED the painting of the oyster, too!

    Liked by 1 person

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