Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine.

Do you feel it?
Are you excited about all the possibilities the day may hold?

All the opportunites to make it special?
All the reasons to wake up?

Rise and shine
and cherish the moments!

Cheers & Hugs,

Every time I hear or read or say the words, “Rise and Shine,” I think of Grandma

As a teenager, I loved to sleep in late – much like most teenagers – right?  I vividly remember hiding under the covers to keep from seeing the sun streaming in the bedroom and hearing Grandma  cheerfully holler from the bottom of the stairs on a weekend or summer morning, “Rise and Shine!”  She was always so excited and ready to start a new day.  I smile remembering that hope and excitement in her voice.  She didn’t work.  She didn’t even have a license to drive.  Her days were mostly spent at home working hard – inside and out – making it a haven for anyone who visited or lived there.  And yet she woke up so cheerfully each morning excited for what the day might hold. 

I have to admit – I love the early mornings these days – especially on  weekends and days I get to stay home.  I love thinking about having the whole day ahead of me. 

I baked Grandma’s Apricot Nut Bread yesterday.  It is a recipe I have shared here before.  And it truly really begins to feel like Christmas when I smell this bread come out of the oven.  The memories just come flooding back of Christmases past at Grandma’s house and the joy that radiated from her in everything she did.  

So rise and shine and cherish the possibilities this day will hold!

44 thoughts on “Rise and Shine

  1. Nice post Jodi. I always use the rise and shine phrase myself. Mine came from my days being on the military. I’ve never been a late sleeper. I’m always up at the crack of dawn, not necessarily always practicing the “shine” part of the phase. Admittently, someimes I can be dragging in the Am (but nothing a full pot of coffee and a hot shower can’t usually fix!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right??!! Tomorrow I will need to get up for work, and won’t be as anxious – LOL! I just love mornings – especially in winter – when I can build a fire, turn on the christmas tree lights, pour a cup of coffee, and curl up on the couch for a bit of quiet time before starting the day.


  2. Beautiful photo. Really beautiful photo. I so love your photography. Loved your grandma story. I was raised by my grandma too, & those little memories tug on my own memories of homemade candies, & her special banana bread topped with walnuts & wheaties. She too never had a drivers license & although she worked during the war in the 40’s like Rosey the riviter, I never knew much about that time, by the time I came along her day was cleaning, cooking, canning, gardening. Washing clothes with a ringer washing maching that she rolled outside to use then hung the clothes on the the line & then ironed everything from sheets to clothes. Have a beautiful morning everyday! Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • sounds like we have such similar grandma memories. My grandma was born in 1913. Similar age? She worked outside the home before children as well, but that part of her life is not in my memory. I’m so glad you enjoyed, and I loved hearing your sweet memories as well. We were surely blessed with our Grandmas – huh? 🙂 ❤

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