Nostalgic Santa

Vintage Santa Christmas Watercolor 11×14

Nostalgic Santa.

I am getting soooo in the Christmas spirit!

We have had snow and unseasonably cold temperatures lately; and I have to say, I have been loving it!

Ever since I painted my Vintage Santa Face watercolor,  I have been itching to do another vintage Santa painting.

So I did!  And here he is!

Ho Ho Ho!!

So much fun!

Cheers & Hugs,

44 thoughts on “Nostalgic Santa

  1. Ho Ho Ho. Love his big cheeks & bright eyes. The teddy bear is adorable too. Glad you are Full of Christmas Spirit. Especially with all the snow & cold weather you guys on the East are getting. We are having the exact opposite here. If it weren’t for the tons of leaves falling from the trees you would never even know it was fall. It’s a good thing for the camp, we had a wedding with gorgeous weather & another new group that lost their regular event place & moving to the mountains would not have worked for them if we were having rainy or snowy weather. Best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving we have about 30 coming this year for 3 days. So much fun, a new grand niece, & a sister in law visiting from England.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your Vintage Santa!!! Haven’t seen you around much … hope all is well with you! Unlike you, I am definitely NOT in the holiday spirit, and my granddaughter is dragging me, kicking and screaming, into decorating. Sigh. Maybe next year …


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