Find Joy in the Journey

Find Joy in the Journey

I woke up at 5 a.m. Saturday morning.  Oh how I love when that happens!  Waking up without an alarm on a day off means more hours to enjoy the day off!

I felt the muse.  I wanted to paint.  The same sweet lady who asked for a painting for the new cardiologist also wanted a painting for a new geriatrician.

I worked for over a dozen years for a home health and hospice company, so I have a special place in my heart for the elderly and also the end of life journey.

I had a vision for what I wanted to paint.  I wanted to paint an elderly couple embracing and enjoying the journey at end of life.

I like to paint a bit more impressionistic and abstract, though, so how to portray in a way that a new doctor entering this “journey” might appreciate?

This is what I came up with.  I just wasn’t sure about it though.  I sat on it for a few hours before sending a picture of it to the person who commissioned it.  I told her I would understand if it was not what she had in mind and told her it was very different from the heart one I did previously, so I would understand if she didn’t want it and would just like a flower or something completely different…

Turns out she loved it, so off to its new home this one went.

I hope it will bring joy to the recipient as she enters her new journey caring for people at the journey at end of life.

Cheers & Hugs,

#WorldWatercolorMonth is only days away!  July 2020!  Join the fun!

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

What You Do… and What You Stand for!

I was recently asked to do a commissioned watercolor piece that is a gift for a new doctor.  This doctor is a brand new cardiologist who has a favorite quote about love.

This is the painting that evolved from that commissioned request, and I have to admit I love it!  I am actually giddy about how it took on a complete life of its own and came so easily with a message that resonated with me so deeply.  It feels so relevant to me at this time in the world and in my life, and it actually made me tear up.  (Though those that know me well, know that is a common occurrence…  I am a crier.   Happy tears…  Sad tears…  Sappy movie tears…  Overwhelmed with life, work, the world tears…   Embarrassment tears…  Just an emotional crier!)

The words speak to me.  Do they to you?

Not just a feeling…
but something you do!
Love others – –
but most importantly…
Love Yourself – –
What you do…
and what you stand for!

I hope you will love yourself – what you do – and what you stand for!

Don’t forget – July is World Watercolor Month, and I will be joining Charlie and so many others with the goal of painting every day in July!

Need ideas?  Here is a list of prompts that I am going to follow.

What to contribute?  Want to learn more?
Here is a link to my Artist Ambassador #WorldWatercolorMonth Pouch.

Cheers & Hugs,

And PS – Though this original went to its new home, prints and greeting cards are available in our McKinneyX2Designs ETSY shop.

July is World Watercolor Month!

July is World Watercolor Month!

Hi Friends!

It’s been a while!  Hope you all are well!   What crazy times we are living in right now.  Five months ago when I stepped back to take a break from blogging, I don’t think any of us knew what lay ahead with this worldwide Coronavirus pandemic and quarantining and all the changes that have taken place in our country and world!

Hubby and I are supposed to be on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation right now in Italy celebrating a very special family event, but instead, we toasted with Italian wine last evening  in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania with those we were going to be with at a social distanced outdoor get-together and Zoom event.  We cried and laughed and felt grateful that we are all still here and healthy!

But what brings me back here to the blog is a very special event created four years ago by a very special man that honors me with the privilege of allowing me to be a small part in it:   World Watercolor Month and the amazing Charlie O!

Charlie O’Shields, the creator of Doodlewash®, founded World Watercolor Month in 2016. His own love of the medium led to the creation of a blog and social artist movement dedicated to promoting and connecting the vast community of watercolor artists all over the world. After hosting a few early art challenges, celebrating various fun and delightfully obscure holidays, it became apparent that there wasn’t an official celebration of the medium he and so many of us love. Over 18,000 applications are submitted for “official days” each year and only 30 are added to the calendar so it was a long shot, but the registrars agreed with the cause and now it’s official! July is now and forever World Watercolor Month!

Charlie and I started watercolor painting and blogging around the same time, and we immediately became lifelong friends.  If you are not following him on Doodlewash, you are missing out on a very bright spot every day!

I can’t wait to make a commitment to pick up my brushes and paint every day in July again!  But beyond being a celebration and inspiration for those of us who love to paint in watercolor, it is an opportunity to raise awareness for the importance of art and creativity in the world.  It is an opportunity to help children in need of art supplies and art education around the globe through our partnership with The Dreaming Zebra Foundation. 

If you would like to purchase this year’s World Watercolor Pouch, the proceeds directly help provide art and music supplies to underprivileged children throughout the world.

So what else have I been up to?  Well – I started a new job four days before COVID-19 quarantine and work-from-home status hit, so I have been busy learning and growing at a wonderful non-profit organization, Green Building Alliance, where I get to participate in helping make our communities and world a greener, more sustainable and equitable place where everyone can thrive.  Hubby is an “essential” worker in the community, so he has been working hard through all of this to keep our community operating.  My grandie girls are growing and thriving, and I am so fortunate to get to spend time with them each week.

Here is some art I’ve created over the past few months.  My DIL, Colleen and I, still have our McKinneyX2Designs ETSY shop, and we enjoy creating art and home decor.



I occasionally dabble in acrylic abstract art too.  Here I am with my most recent and largest to date piece.

And my dear friend Ellen, asked me to add this “poem” to last year’s World Watercolor Month bee painting, so I created cards from it and love them!

Hope to keep in touch a little more in July, and hope you will join in on the fun and supporting World Watercolor Month!

Cheers & Hugs,