A Walk with My Camera: Introduction

I try to take a walk most every day.  It’s a good thing for me, and Mikey loves it too!

walk with camera

Working from home allows for my walk to sometimes be first thing in the morning, sometimes during a “lunch break,” and sometimes just a random “need some fresh air and a stretch” time of the day.

My walk is usually the same 2-4 mile stretch depending on the amount of time I have.

As I was walking this beautiful Fall afternoon, I noticed how different the trees and leaves looked compared to just a day ago.  I noticed how different things looked when it is cloudy compared to when it is sunny.

I am fortunate to live in a place on this beautiful earth of ours that enjoys four very distinct seasons.  Western Pennsylvania’s weather ranges from as high as 90-100 degrees F in the summer to as low as 0 degrees F (and occasionally even below zero) in the winter.  Springs are typically wet and lush.  Fall is crisp and colorful.

So even though I typically walk the same “path,” the look and feel of it varies dramatically depending on the time of year, time of day, weather, and/or the people or things I encounter along the way.

And what I’ve learned while carrying my camera is there is something new to be discovered every time I walk.

So this section of my blog will be devoted to sharing random shots caught on my daily walks with my camera.

I hope you will enjoy and provide feedback, tips, suggestions, and help me learn to not only hone my self-taught photography skills, but also my outlook on life.

Cheers & Hugs,


5 thoughts on “A Walk with My Camera: Introduction

  1. Keep the photos coming! For those of us that live I’m places with only 1 season we love to uhhhh and ahhhh at fall and winter pictures.


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