Lilac Love

lilac love watercolor painting arches 300 lb cold press 10 x 14 diaxozine violet

lilac love watercolor painting arches 300 lb cold press 10 x 14 diaxozine violet

The purple lilacs around here are done for the season,
but the white lilac tree in my yard is crazy full of tiny white flowers
that are filling the entire yard with such an amazing fragrance!

While my poor son is sneezing like crazy from all the pollen in the air right now,
I don’t dare pick and bring a bouquet into the house as much as I’d love to….

But I was inspired to paint some lilacs (purple is more fun!)
with that sensational scent wafting through my brain down to my fingertips
as I dripped and dropped and splashed and splattered Dioxazine Violet.

Can you almost smell them?

Cheers & Hugs,

I’m joining my friend Charlie with these sweet smelling flowers for his #NatureDoodlewash challenge.