On this Road called Life

Early November Morning Walk after the Storm - thecreativelifeinbetween.com

Early November Morning Walk after the Storm – thecreativelifeinbetween.com

On this Road called Life.

There will be ups and downs…
There will be twists and turns.

There will be sunshine and rain…
There will be seasons of change.

But straight roads
don’t make skillful drivers.

And flowers can’t grow
on smoothly paved roads.

This road called life
is your path to choose.

And if you don’t like the one you are traveling on….
pave a new.

Cheers & Hugs,


We had an unseasonably strong thunderstorm this past Saturday night, but Sunday morning brought shiny, clean beauty on my morning walk with Charlie that was made even sweeter by the extra hour of sleep gifted from “Falling Back” from Daylight Savings to Eastern Standard Time and the gorgeous colors of Autumn leaves.

What to do with an EXTRA Hour?

I don’t know about you?  But I’m all screwed up….

In our part of the world, we switched time.


Yep – just like that, we are supposed to change the clocks – Fall Back, Spring Ahead – Daylight Savings Time – on – off – and just adjust….

But the challenging part is – the older I get – the harder it is to adjust to the time change.

For days weeks, I will say, but it is really XX time, even thought it is XX time.  SERIOUSLY!  Can an hour really do this to a brain?


But I digress…

The topic of this blog was supposed to be what can we do with that extra hour….

and…. it was supposed to be posted on Sunday – the day we got that extra hour.

But – hey – whatever – I had other stories to tell and recipes to share, and I’m just getting to this….

(I have a card I am DYING to share, but holding off until tomorrow because I am worried you will grow weary of my silly cards – even though I am super-excited to share this one (for the Paper Players Vintage challenge 🙂  )

Sunday gave us an extra hour.


What did you do with it?


I stacked firewood.  And I’m proud to tell it.

Very exciting -right??!!

Well – it was a beautiful day – and who knows what I was doing?…  Oh I remember – cleaning off the porches/deck for the upcoming winter season 😦 …

Marty and Nick were cutting and chopping and stacking firewood so that we can keep warm, wonderful fires burning all winter long in the fireplace to keep us toasty.  (As I wear t-shirts through this lovely menopausal period of life!)


I decided to help.  I heaved and hoed and bent and snapped —  anybody get the reference here??!! 🙂  — and tossed and stacked like the best of them.

And it felt good!    Then….

Legs are a bit sore two days later.   WIMP!

But I helped (for a change) my guys with the “physical” work that gets done around here; and it felt good, and it was nice to be a part of it.

What did you do with your extra hour?  What would you do if you had one?

I spent it with a couple guys I so greatly appreciate and love even more!

Thanks for all the hard work you do to keep our home warm and comfortable and cozy, my dear Merv and my sweet Nick!


Cheers & Warm, Toasty Hugs,
(while I turn up the ceiling fan!)
