Under the Sea

Under the Sea – Dolphin Watercolor 11×14

Under the Sea.

It seems like such a magical place to me.

So when I was trying to decide what I could see

in the splashing I created so free…

A fish… a dolphin… a magical creature came to be.

I recently bought a new printer – A Canon Pixma Pro-100, and I was anxious to see how it worked creating prints and cards.  I am so pleased!  Above is a shot of the original with a mat and frame loosely placed on it to see what it might look like framed, as well as an 8×10 print and cards I printed on my new printer.

If you are looking for me…
under the sea is where I’ll be dreaming to be.

Cheers & Hugs,


A Tale of Two Fish

Hogfish Watercolor 16×20 #1

A Tale of Two Fish.

A friend recently asked me
to paint a fish for her fiance.

A Hogfish it was.
Lachnolaimus Maximus.

A fish caught
on a recent vacation.

She wanted it big…
Big by my painting standards.

The biggest I’ve painted to date is 11×14.
My friend wanted this hogfish painting to be about 16×20.

So I gave it
a whirl.

My first painting is above.
I never dreamed I would share it…

It was
a first attempt…

A lesson in what I wanted to do,
and what I didn’t want to do.

Here’s the actual Hogfish caught

So I tried

I painted it less realistically.
More impressionistically.

A little more subtle.
A little more artistic license….

Impressionistic Hogfish 14×22 #2

I liked my second go

but I still
wasn’t sure

about this large
Hogfish painting.

I showed Hubby my second painting
to get his thoughts.

He liked it.

Then I showed him my first go –
laughing a bit.

I explained
this was how I started.

His mouth dropped open.
He loved it….


The point I was trying to make
was look how much better it got…

He insisted I share both with my friend,
and let her pick.

So I did.

My faithful friend
agreed with me.

She liked the second one better.
A bit more subdued.

But she decided to let
her fiance choose.

So she showed
him both.

And he chose…
the first.

Just like

they are getting them both!

Cheers & Hugs,

Pan Seared Lemon and Garlic Mahi Mahi

Pan Seared Lemon and Garlic Mahi Mahi.

I adooooore seafood!

When eating out, I will likely order seafood 80% of the time.

Chilean Sea Bass… Salmon…Lobster… Shrimp… Scallops…  Tuna…  Fish Sandwiches…  Fish and Chips… Fish Tacos!

And then there is Mahi Mahi!  Ohhhh  the light, mild, delicate flavor of heavenly deliciousness…..  no wonder you have to say it TWICE!

I don’t often cook seafood at home as Hubby is not nearly the fan that I am, but I snuck this yumminess in last night for dinner.  A couple of wonderful wild caught Mahi Mahi fillets pan seared with onions, garlic, thyme and lemon zest – this recipe is quick as a wink, healthy as all get out (did you know a 3-4 ounce serving of Mahi Mahi has 20 grams of protein, contains all the amino acides you need to survive, and is under 100 calories?!), and melts in your mouth better than butter!

Here is how I made it thanks to the inspiration from ChicFitChef:

Pan Seared Lemon and Garlic Mahi Mahi


  • 2 3-4oz Mahi Mahi fillets, patted dry
  • 2 lemons, zested and juice reserved
  • 1 tsp dried thyme or 1 Tbsp. freshly minced thyme (fresh is always preferred if possible)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 large sweet onion, sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • Olive oil


Heat olive oil in skillet until searing hot!

Meanwhile, combine lemon zest, thyme, salt and pepper.   Coat patted-dry fish fillets on both sides with this seasoning.

Add onion slices to hot skillet.  Once onions are golden brown (about 2-3 minutes), add fish to sear for 3-4 minutes (without moving).

Turn fish fillets over with a spatula, and let sear for another 3-4 minutes on other side.

Lower heat, and add minced garlic and lemon juice.  Cover pan, and cook fish another 3-4 minutes.

Remove from heat and serve.


Cheers & Hugs,

I’m O-Fish-Ally Hooked on You Daddy!

I am O-Fish-Ally Hooked on You Daddy!

If you are looking for a cute and easy, creative Father’s Day Card to make from a child or grandchild to his daddy or grandpap, how about this cute little hand print fishy?  (Especially if Daddy or Pap enjoys fishing!)

My little granddaughter and I made this for her Daddy for his first Father’s Day.  On the inside, we wrote:  “You are the best daddy in the whole sea!”

A great little gift idea to go with the “theme” that we did was a gift bag full of fish:  Swedish Red Fish and Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, which come in at least a dozen different flavors ranging from Vanilla Cupcake, S’mores, and Fudge Brownie to Pizza, Chedder, Pretzel, and Honey Mustard and Pretzel Blends.

Hope all the Daddys and Grandpaps out there are o-fish-ally recognized and surrounded with love on their special upcoming day.

Cheers & Hugs,

Idea inspired by:  gluetomycraftsblog

Honey Sriracha Lime Salmon

Honey Sriracha Lime Salmon

Honey Sriracha Lime Salmon.

My sweet friend, Janet, visited this past week after coming to town for the wedding, and she made this amazing salmon recipe for us one night.

Hubby is not a salmon fan, but I ADORE it!  Add Sriracha, honey, lime, soy sauce, garlic, and cilantro, and I am in heaven!  So one evening when he had a late meeting, Janet and I feasted on this with some roasted veggies and brown rice.  It was awesome!

You can adjust the amount of heat or sweet to your liking.  We did from the original recipe at Creme de la Crumb.

Here is how we made it!  Let me know if you try and enjoy as much as we did.

Honey Sriracha Lime Salmon


  • 1 large salmon or 4-6 individual (4-6 oz.) fillets
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/3 cup Sriracha Sauce
  • 3 Tbsp low sodium Soy Sauce (I always use low sodium soy sauce – and I am a salt lover!)
  • 2 limes (one juiced and zested, the other sliced thinly)
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 1 Tbsp freshly chopped cilantro


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.  Line a baking sheet with foil.  Grease lightly, and lay salmon on top.  Season with salt and pepper.  Place sliced limes under the edges of the salmon.

In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, melt butter, stir in honey, Sriracha, soy sauce, lime juice, and garlic.  Bring to a boil, then reduce to medium and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Pour 2/3 of the sauce over the salmon – covering completely to avoid dry spots.  Fold the edges of the foil up around the salmon so the sauce doesn’t spill out.

Bake for 15 minutes, then switch to broil and cook another 4-5 minutes.  Do not overcook.

Top salmon with reserved sauce, lime zest and chopped cilantro.


Also, if you are not a salmon lover, this sauce and method would work great with chicken or pork also!

Cheers & Hugs,

PS  Miss you already Jan!  xo

Child Gift-Giving: WANT, NEED, WEAR, READ

Becoming a first-time grandma recently, along with several of my besties, has caused me pause to consider child gift-giving.

It is sooooooo easy to get carried away and spoil – especially these first ones.

So I was thinking it is time to establish the “trend” for hopefully lots more grandie gifts.

I have read several places a good rule of thumb to simplify child gift-giving is to consider four categories:

  1. Want
  2. Need
  3. Wear
  4. Read

Consider gifts in the four categories – buying one of each:  One thing they want, one thing they need, one thing to wear, and one thing to read.

Well – let’s see if I can stick with this…

In the meantime, my bestie’s first grandchild turned one, so going with a fish theme (just because I thought it was fun), I made the above little T-shirt for him (to WEAR), bought him some bathtub fishing toys (I think he would WANT to play with), some socks (I’m sure his mama could say he NEEDs), and the Dr. Seuss Book “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” (to READ).

Happy Birthday Ben!  I hope the years don’t continue to go as fast as this first one did!

Cheers & Hugs,

Pineapple Blueberry Salsa

Pineapply Blueberry Salsa

It was HOT here in Mars this past weekend, so Sunday supper called for something light and fresh.  I rarely make fish as Hubby is a bit skeptical about it, but I had some frozen Hake loin filets in the freezer that needed to be used.

Pineapple Blueberry Salsa on Whole GrainTostitos Scoop

I was still OOGLING the amazing Fish Tacos I had the night before at Breakneck Tavern – O M G – and thought I’d try some type of version at home.

Pineapply Blueberry Salsa 2

So I made this super yummy, bright, fresh, fruity and savory (with just a touch of heat) Pineapple Blueberry Salsa to accompany the fish, but it also tastes AMAZING on tortilla chips.  I had some Tostitos Wholegrain Scoops, and they were just the ticket to balance out the flavors and allow for a healthy scoop of fruit and veggies in every bite!

This salsa and chips would be a great company or party snack to go with white wine spritzers or some white sangria (and everything goes with Gin and Tonics in the summertime!).

Here is the recipe.  Hope you’ll give it a try, and let me know what you think.

Pineapple Blueberry Salsa*

  • Servings: approx. 4 cups
  • Print

Ingredients:Pineapply Blueberry Salsa

  • 2 cups diced fresh pineapple
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 cup chopped sweet red and/or orange peppers
  • 1/2 cup chopped green onions
  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 fresh lime, juiced (or lemon)
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 small jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped or 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes (for a bit of heat)
  • 1/4 tsp ginger
  • 1/4 tsp cumin

Combine all ingredients and serve with tortilla chips (especially yummy with Frito Lay Whole Grain Tostitos Scoops, or alongside chicken or fish for a fresh and light, summery accompaniment.

Tastes bests when chilled for several hours to allow flavors to fully blend.


Cheers & Hugs,

*slightly adapted from Jen @ CarlsbadCravings

What’s NEW at McKinneyX2Designs?

I’m excited to share some of the new things Colleen and I have been creating for our new Etsy shop!  We are having so much fun with this, and we are pleased to have had over 25 sales already in our first month!Mx2 logTo show our appreciation to our friends here at LifeinBetween, we want to offer a little gift to you.  If you refer someone to our shop who makes a purchase, we would like to thank them AND YOU with a free card of their and your choice. Each of you can choose one of any of the cards offered in our ETSY shop for FREE!  (Simply have your friend let us know when they order that they came here from LifeinBetween and mention your name.)

Have fun perusing the photo gallery of our newest Spring things.

You can visit our shop here:  McKinneyx2Designs on ETSY and follow us on Facebook and Instagram too if you like.

Happy Spring Thinking!

Cheers & Hugs,

Hello Friday!

Stampinup By the Tide
Hello there Friday!   Friday is always my day to share a card I made this week, since it is #FreebieFriday for my WheretheRubberHitstheRoad gang.

(and is it just my screen or does the seashell look 3D to you?  Like it is floating off the page?  I think it is so cool how it looks in this shot, though there was not a good shot that I feel captures the essence of this card because it has so many elements of glitter and dimension and wet droplets, but hard to get in one shot – though it could be this amateur photographer’s lack of ability too!)  🙂

stampinup by the tide 3

Anyway, I had so much fun making this card.  I was inspired by a Stamping “Challenge” on JustAddInk’s Website (Challenge #223) when I designed this card, but alas, I was TOO LATE!  The deadline was in Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST – 14 hours AHEAD of us back in little ole’ Mars, PA USA!)  Oh Jodi!!!

I still love the card and can’t wait to share it with someone special to hopefully brighten their day.

stampinup by the tide 2

Stampinup Products Used:
By the Tide Stamp Set
Lost Lagoon, Whisper White and Night of Navy Card Stock
Lost Lagoon, Pacific Point, Pool Party and Stazon Black Inks
Bubble Circle Embossing Folder
Circle Framelit Dies
Crystal Effects for water bubbles
Alcohol Markers for coloring
Wink of Stella Brush for Glittering
Sentiment:  Jillibean Handwritten Sentiments

Happy Weekend!  We are off to some fun picnics and parties and wedding celebrations!  (I’m getting a new sis-in-law Saturday and celebrating a special day with my brother, Jeff and family!!) 🙂

Cheers & Hugs,
