Bear hugs are the best

bear hugs

Don’t you just love a “good” hug?!

A hug where the other person grabs and squeezes and embraces and holds on tight?

I always try to make it my thing to be the last to let go; and it is funny how sometimes I get into holding on battles with some of my friends and family who take me up on the challenge, and we keep hanging on and laughing and squeezing and hugging.

It’s just the best!

Did you know the average length of a hug between two people is three seconds?

But researchers have discovered when a hug lasts 20 seconds, there is a therapeutic effect on the body and mind.*

The reason is that a sincere hug produces a hormone called oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone.”  Oxytocin has a calming effect on the body and mind and can help us relax, feel safe and calm our fears and anxiety.

The best part is… this wonderful gift (a simple hug) can be offered free of charge every time we have a person in our arms.

Isn’t that empowering?

Doesn’t it give you hope in kindness and love and goodness and grace in our world (especially amidst crazy things happening like the awful Paris attacks yesterday) that you have something you can give at any given time to any person you choose right now that can make them feel better?

Not only are hugs a great gift, we all NEED them.  It has been said:

“We need 4 hugs a day for survival,

8 hugs a day for maintenance,

and 12 hugs a day for growth.”

So we better get busy!

Give somebody a bear hug today.

Cheers & Hugs,

*Psychology Today