Blue Heron Taking Flight in Watercolor

Blue Heron Taking Flight Watercolor - 8x10 140 lb Saunders Cold Press

Blue Heron Taking Flight Watercolor – 8×10 140 lb Saunders Cold Press

Blue Heron Taking Flight in Watercolor.

It’s been a busy week and weekend, but I found a little time Sunday evening to do a some painting.

I saw a photo my blogging friend Jenna took and posted on The Painted Apron that really drew me in.  I mentioned to Jenna the photo looked like a “painting in waiting.”

Jenna doesn’t prefer to paint birds or people. (She says she can’t, but I’m sure that’s not true!  She is a very gifted artist!)  She told me she would love for me to paint him.  So here he is Jenna.   I could probably do a bit better with another try, but no time left this weekend.  That’s okay…  I’m still an artist taking flight, and I’m going to reach for that soar!

Cheers & Hugs,