The truth revealed – my imperfect life


So I know I post a lot about what a great life I have…    I try to share the “good stuff” and the “happy stuff.”

But we ALL KNOW life is FAR from perfect – Right?

Mine included!

I’ve had a few people say things recently that have made me feel a bit uncomfortable – like “I’m living vicariously through you,”  “Your life is perfect,” “Do you ever sleep?”

Really and truly – that is not my intention.  Please know my life is not perfect – not even close!  I get plenty of sleep – 6-7 hours every night (though dangit – I have tried to make due on less as I feel sleeping is SUCH a waste of time)!  And there are many other people worthy of living vicariously through than me!

I just happen to share the good times, the things that make me happy, the things I enjoy at “life in between” here with all of you.

When I originally started my blog, finding the right name was important, and was born out of my desire to share the fun stuff, the good times, the crafts and hobbies and joys that occur in those moments “in between” doing all the things that are drudgery, the things we all have to do, the crap we all deal with.  My intention is to encourage readers to seek out these special moments that are within all of our reach if we just look for and allow them.

Behind the scenes – – – you don’t see the many burnt, under-baked, or misshaped cookie…

more flopped “gourmet” dinners than ones worthy of sharing (like a recent pork roast that had all of our mouths on fire from a teensy bit too much cayenne pepper)…

crookedly stamped or finger smudged cards tossed in the trash….

or how I have been trying for days to arm knit an infinity scarf!  (I am going to master this yet though!) 🙂

I don’t like to share photos of myself.  I have cellulite, humongous feet, chubby cheeks, a short neck, squinty eyes with droopier and droopier eye lids, crooked ears, and new wrinkles and crinkles appearing every day.  I am at that ridiculous point in life where I need reading glasses to see things up close, but then when I look across the table or room, everything is blurry, so off with the glasses, or down onto the tip of my nose like a granny, or up on top of my head completely ruining any type of hairstyle I am trying to maintain.  Then there are the hot flashes that cause my face to just glisten and glow for no good reason, and typically at the most inopportune times and ALWAYS between 7:30 – 8:00 pm EVER SINGLE evening!

Shall I go on?  There is plenty more self-deprecation I can share…

My mom is alive, but we sadly don’t have a relationship, along with some others from my family who I love, but can’t have a relationship with for my own mental health and well-being.

So don’t envy or want to emulate, but do join me in seeking out the good, the happy, the joyful, the simple pleasures, the cherished moments that make our life (in between and otherwise) good.  Because it is there – within our reach – for all of us.  And it doesn’t take much.  Like maybe a box of M&Ms with a note on to our postal carrier to thank him or her for the “Miles and Miles” they travel every day to bring us our mail (granted most is junk or bills – but remember – we are keeping positive here!) LOL!  🙂

payitforward2014 mail carrier miles and miles mandms

Check out that mailbox we have!  Not so perfect – eh?  Quite embarrassing actually!  But I’m hoping I brought a smile to my mail carrier’s tired face today, because our mail still wasn’t in it at 4:30 pm, which means he is having a very long day!

payitforward2014 homefront hugs hero christmas wishes ornamental pine

Or send a card to someone serving our country over the holidays (feel free to send one to Christian – our Homefront Hugs Hero for the “payitforward2014” Jingle RACK Challenge).  I crafted this card on the blank card Jill sent, and Marty is writing the note.  Plenty of bloopers on this card, but you know what we say in the stamping/cardmaking world???  A mistake is an “Opportunity for Embellishment!”

It’s all about looking on the bright side – knowing we all have dark moments, tears, loneliness, grief, heartache, imperfect families, imperfect bodies, burnt cookies, and flopped dinners.

But there are plenty of awesome things to celebrate, and I hope you will join me in seeking them and embracing them, doing your best…

at life in between…

Cheers & Imperfect (but very tight) Hugs,


jodi mckinney lifeinbetween

Sharing & Owning Up to all the Wrinkles, Crinkles, Sags, Droops, Chubs, & Squints – Up Close & Personal

33 thoughts on “The truth revealed – my imperfect life

  1. Naah, I don’t believe a word of it. You are perfect! A perfect wife. A perfect mother. A perfect granny (if you are one), a perfect friend, a perfect homemaker, a perfect woman! That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it! (LOL) 😀 (((HUGS))) That hot flash thingy… those too shall pass! (I don’t see wrinkles, sags, or puffy face!) You lie!! (Hahaha!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awwww, this was a beautiful read. I love reading your little in-betweens, learning new craft ideas or just clicking over beautifully taken photos. And thank you for reminding us once again, how important it is to appreciate that glimpse of sunshine amidst the cloud. 🙂


  3. Perfection is such an overrated quality, isn’t it? Who could possibly live up to the standards that are all around – urging us to be and do more than we could ever possibly accomplish and driving ourselves nuts in the process. I gave up that self-imposed pressure a long time ago and couldn’t be happier about it. Regarding your self-deprecation however….in the immortal words of Joe Cocker….”you are so beautiful, to meeeeee!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, my bestie blogging buddy barbara! I admire that in you, and continue to strive to be more like you! Just be fine with me for who I am… 🙂 Love that song – and soo soo sweet of you to say!! You are a beautiful presence in my world too! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You are wonderful!!!
    Keep on keeping it real Jodi. This is why your blog is ‘perfect’ – you tell like it is.
    Foibles, wrinkles, relationships et al.
    For that I thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Terry! Now do I admit I had to look up the word foible??!! I like that word! I will be using it. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary. The words suits me quite well! Foibly yours, Jodi


  5. Oh Jodie I LOVE this!! Yes it is so important to appreciate the HAPPY in between (the bad) times in our lives! Thanks so much for helping us do that! Your posts make my heart smile! And that pic of you is great!


  6. Joyce & Rob – if you only knew how much your love fuels my joy! I am humbled by all the sweet comments to this post and am so empowered from the love! I am so fortunate! I couldn’t feel happier! xo


  7. Hello lovely, after reading my posts, you have probably ascertained that bright cheerful and bubbly aren’t usually my thing of late anyway 😔 I thought it time to head over here and glad that I have. I may not comment on recipes though. I used to cook quite a bit, but now..well couldn’t be bothered. So I’m just giving you the heads up on that one. Your description of yourself ..I can so relate to 😊 you remind me very much of a girlfriend of mine over here. She is also very pretty and a beautiful soul. Who knows your fun and goodness may just rub off on me 😊💙


    • What a sweet note, Jenny, and happy you visited. I understand we all don’t love all the same things. Baking brings me great joy because I feel it is a way of showing love. Get that from my Grandma – my hero. How sweet that I remind you of a friend. I look forward to chatting more, Jenny. Get some good rest tonight, my friend. And tight hugs to K.

      Liked by 1 person

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