A Christmas Deer, Dear

Watercolor deer

It’s a Christmas Deer, Dear.

One of the best things about art and painting and watercoloring is the freedom to create an image however you want…

Christmas Reindeer can be purple with a turquoise ear right?

This is one of my Christmas card designs that I learned how to print and duplicate.  Yay me! 

(It is inspired by some artwork I found on Flickr, but darn if I can find it now to cite!)

Nevertheless, the countdown is on, and we are into single digits until the BIG day.   I have never been so late getting cards done, gifts bought, cookies baked, food made….. and I have never enjoyed it more!

Whatever gets done, mailed, baked, cooked is what it is.  As long as I get to spend time with those I love is all that matters.

Cherish the moments.

Merry Christmas Deer/Dear!

Cheers & Hugs,

62 thoughts on “A Christmas Deer, Dear

  1. This Christmas Deer is beautiful!! Great job! And cherishing the moments this time of year is so important! Not to get caught up in the rush of thinking everything needs to be done at a certain time,etc. Just enjoy the season and it appears that is what you are doing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I always enjoy your posts, but had to comment today because I REALLY like this one. I love the artwork and fun colors, but feel the sentiment. Thanks for your inspiration and being you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Christmas did seem to sneak up on us this year, didn’t it? I haven’t wrapped a single gift yet, but usually by now, I would be almost done. But I like your attitude of what “gets done, gets done”, and agree that the main thing is being with the people you love. PS I may not like pink or purple on my Christmas tree, but it looks just lovely on your reindeer!

    Liked by 1 person

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