Snowy Pines Watercolor

Winter Snowy Pine Reflections Watercolor - 11x14 140lb cold press

Winter Snowy Pine Reflections Watercolor – 11×14 140lb cold press

Snowy Pines Watercolor.

Is anything crazier or more unpredictable than the weather?!

Where I live, we went from record highs one week
to record lows the next.

From open windows and shorts and bare feet –
to snow flurries and wool socks and sweaters.

And one cold day I painted this winter scene
(inspired by a photo I saw that I cannot find credit for).

It’s funny how the cold scene
gives me a warm feeling.

Almost as crazy as the weather!

Cheers & Hugs,

82 thoughts on “Snowy Pines Watercolor

    • Thanks so much Tami! I used Cerulean and Indigo for the blues and Yellow Ochre and Burnt Sienna for the browns. Then just some Dr. Ph Martin’s bleedproof white for the snow. Quite a simple palette 🙂


  1. This is a beautiful composition. I like how the limb in the front pulled my eye in and then up through the image. Also, the depth is increased by adding the snow falling. It’s a scene I’d like to walk into. Well done Jodi!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is gorgeous and exactly what I saw when I drove up out of the city this lunchtime … we have had our first real dump of snow and those pine trees look enchanting – just like your picture!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • oh jill – thank you – you are tooo kind! I kinda like this one – in fact – before I could even list it in the ETSTY shop or take to our show, it sold 🙂 – someone that follows my blog asked for it. I want to try it again and again as I really enjoyed doing it! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A very lovely watercolor that creatively depicts the beauty of softly falling snow on the pine trees. Love the palette of colors that you chose to capture this winter scene on paper. Benjamin, the little art critic, thinks that “the snow is pretty” and he loves the “ornange” behind the trees ( because orange is his favorite color)! We Thank-you!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Jodi, I love your observation on how a cold scene gives you a warm feeling. That’s exactly how I feel whenever I see a photo or painting of a winter scene. Makes you wanna go curl up in front of a fire and sit near a lamp with a good book to read—or even a picture book! :O)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Four Seasons with Jodi – Exploring Colour

  6. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

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