A Different Perspective

A view from atop the hill of the road I walk most every day – Mars, PA – April 1, 2018

A Different Perspective.

For the past 17 years,
I’ve walked the same road.

Each day,
I look for something new.

But sometimes,
we need to veer from that same road

And look at it
from a different perspective.

Cheers & Hugs,

36 thoughts on “A Different Perspective

  1. Walking on the same road with open eyes will always bring new perspectives. The variations due to changes during the day, month, seasons are almost endless. Your photo of the tall grass is quite a pearl in your collection of images, Jodi.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A very interesting thought, not only to search for new things and be open, but also to look at your own path and yourself from time to time. It probably helps adjusting and answering questions like: is it still the right direction I’m going in? Is is still the right path? Thanks for reminding us, Jodi! 💕🌷🌞

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  3. One of Carla Sonheim’s assignments recently was to take a photo of the sky and it got me thinking about how this view changes even if I was to stand in one place and take a different photo throughout the day, every day for a week… Funny, how I sometimes forget to look up or like you, change my path and see from a different perspective. Cheers Jodi! 🌤

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  4. Is ‘perspective’ a theme of the day? This is the 3rd blog this morning I’ve read on perspective. I think the universe is trying to tell me something (because mine was too!!!)

    I think it is amazing to be in the ‘same’ place and see something new daily. It may be a challenge, or it may keep us open to some amazing things in life.

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  5. We must always remember to keep our eyes and minds open to the unlimited possibilities that surround us. Benjamin says : “You have pretty weeds!” Perspective is everything, isn’t it? Thank-you x 2!!

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