A Place To Just Be

A Place to Just Be.

Seasons come and seasons go…
but as long as there is a safe place
we can call home,

whether it be a house
or simply a place
where we are with those we love,

we can weather any storm
or any season,
and be ourselves.

No questions asked,
nothing to prove.
A place to just be.

Cheers & Hugs,


42 thoughts on “A Place To Just Be

  1. My favorite place, on the front porch. Today is my 70th birthday. Your photo & words prompted me to revisit every porch memory, I ever experienced. Lovely look back in time. Thanks Jodi for touching me today.

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  2. We all need a “place just to be.” Ideally, it would be our home, but if not we simply find one somewhere else. I remember that during my teenage years, my place was often out in the fields of Kansas, just standing with my horse. Beautiful post, Jodi!

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