Joyful Christmas (& ‘Smart Ass’ Trivia Answers)

Joyful Christmas FMS163

It’s a Christmas Card TGIF Post.

And heck – before you know it, I’ll be mailing these cards out!

I love when I come across a sketch challenge, and it just speaks to me and a design comes so easily.

Such is the case with this week’s Freshly Made Sketches Challenge FMS#163.  I just loved the design.

FMS163Whatchya think?

Joyful Christmas FMS163

I’ve been itching to use my SU Joyful Christmas Poinsettia stamp (from last year) and also dying to do some water coloring.  I wanted to do something different, and water coloring on newspaper print DSP was just the ticket to feed my creative Christmas card crazies for this week.  🙂

For this card done on SU Crumb Cake with Under the Tree Specialty DSP Paper, I heat embossed the poinsettia in white on the newsprint DSP, and then used my Koi Watercolors to paint it – not worrying about “staying in the lines.”  A couple of pearl embellishments and a cheery pop of festive red with a cherry cobbler sheer linen bow finished it off.

I love it when an idea comes together easily.  🙂

So – anyone that follows my blog regularly is just dying to know the answers to yesterday’s Smart Ass Trivia questions – right?  (Even though most of you “Smart Asses” figured them out already)  🙂

Well – How long did it take you to figure out the “What Am I” is a Tea Bag?

And the “Where Am I?”  Well, that is the River Thames.

Wishing you all a joyous weekend!

Cheers & Hugs,





Happy #WCMD !

jillibean youre tweet owl whoo loves youI couldn’t stay away……

I said I wasn’t going to post this weekend….

But I forgot didn’t realize just learned it’s World Card Making Day!

And seriously, with a major holiday like this, how could I not share and post and wish you a Happy #WCMD2014 ?!  🙂

So here’s a cute little fuzzy owl (made with brown flower soft glued to Mr. Owl from with Jillibean’s You’re Tweet Stamp Set.  I added some googly eyes, glossy accent hearts, and used Stampinup DSP, cardstock, ink, and ribbon in Chocolate Chip).  And since it kinda matches the sketch over at Freshly Made Sketches FMS156 (maybe a stretch – but what the heck!), I thought I’d enter it there.

Here’s a close-up of Mr Owl.

jillibean youre tweet owl whoo loves you 2

And here is the Freshly Made sketch:


And there are contests and challenges I need to enter – like this one here for my stamping friends to try too!

And I get to celebrate being selected as a “Cut Above” at ThePaperPlayers Challenge this week!  Thanks Laurie for choosing my googly-eyed punny tomato card.

Cut Above Badge

So Happy Saturday, Happy Fall, Happy Weekend, and Happy #WCMD2014!

Whooo Loves You?  ME!

Cheers & Hugs,


She left BEAUTY wherever she went

All Abloom DSP She left beauty wherever she went

Another little treasure from our trip to Hobby Lobby last weekend was this this little stamp set Janet found in the clearance rack.  It “spoke” to both of us, and I had to have it.  It reminds me of so many amazing women in my life.  I wanted to list them – starting with Stella Star all the way through life, but I am afraid I would accidentally forget someone…

I wanted to show pictures, but again afraid I don’t have all that I would want to post and/or forget someone.

But I think this sentiment should really speak to ALL women.

Be your own kind of beautiful….

Know that there are many kinds of beauty…

Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and even senses….

Beauty can be visual or it can be something from the heart – the way someone makes you feel – maybe with the words they use – spoken or written…

Beauty can come from the way something or someone smells…  like flowers or freshly baked bread or cookies or a favorite perfume…

Beauty can be the way something feels – like a tight hug from a friend, your favorite slippers or comforter, your favorite sweater, or the warmth of a kiss.

Know that you have the potential to leave BEAUTY wherever you go!

Happy Friday!  We are off to “The Best Book Club Ever” tonight!  Woohoo!  “People of the Book” by Geraldine Brooks and lots of discussion and wine!  🙂

The layout of this card was designed from the Freshly Made Sketches Sketch #148:

FMS Final 148-001

Go out and be your own kind of beautiful!

All Abloom DSP She left beauty wherever she went

Cheers & Hugs,



There’s always a reason for a “Woo-Hoo!”

Just Saying in Black and White with Faux Enamel Dots for Freshly Made Sketches 147

I’m almost embarrassed to post this card – it was so simple and easy, but sometimes I think I try to “embellish” toooooo much!

(Nick – my son and oft harshest, but completely honest critic – tells me he likes the simpler ones more often)

I’m in a card “challenge” mood it seems, so I decided to just stick with the sketch layout for Freshly Made Sketches Challenge #147 for this card.


There’s something elegant about the simplicity of black and white, but then a glittery silver “woohoo” in front of a red starburst background, some red and white baker’s twine and a splattering of faux enamel dots (which I showed how to make back here on this blog post) just gave it a bit of a pop.

Just Saying in Black and White with Faux Enamel Dots for Freshly Made Sketches 147

Ingredients:  StampinUp Whisper White Card stock, Black & White DSP, Just Saying Stamp Set and Framelit Die, Starburst Framelit Die, Bakers Twine and Crystal Effects for “faux enamel”

Tomorrow’s Recipe is NOT a card 🙂 – looking forward to sharing my “almost famous” recipe for homemade Cinnamon Chip Scones.

Cheers & Hugs
