Odessa the Owl in Watercolor

Odessa the Barn Owl in Watercolor - 8x10 140lb Cold Press Saunders

Odessa the Barn Owl in Watercolor – 8×10 140lb Cold Press SaundersOdessa the Owl – A Wise Old Barn Owl in Watercolor.

A blogging friend, Carolyn, at Nuggets of Gold, challenged me to paint an owl in watercolor.  But not just any ole’ owl…

This had to be Odessa the very wise barn owl who is a character in a book she is collaborating on with another blogging friend, Colin, at A Dog’s Life.

I’m not sure if this is how she pictured Odessa, but this is how I do, so this is a little surprise for her.

If you want to learn more about the wise (and wise-cracking) Odessa and her friends at MoonBeam Farm, check out Carolyn’s blog to read the continuing saga that is soon to become a book!

Cheers & Hugs,