A Ghost in the Tree


A Ghost in the Tree
(A bit of Silly… Poetry)

Do you agree
with me?
Do you see
a ghost in the tree?

On a carefree
walk of sightsee,
it caused a teeny
bit of anxiety.

But Charlie in his chivalry
helped me gain clarity
and guaranteed
it was but a tree.

Such pedigree
to disagree
and decree
it must be too much coffee.

It was a beauty.
Could it be
a chickadee
or chimpanzee?

and Yippee
for a tree designee
of imaginative jubilee!

Cheers & Hugs,

The Road Taken

This’ll be the Day


This’ll be the Day.

This’ll be the day
I will seek and find
beautiful things
in humble places….

Things that have been there
all along,
but I didn’t take the time
to notice.

This’ll be the day
I will look in the mirror when I rise
and say, “Hello Beautiful”
instead of “Ugggghhhh!”

I will focus
on the things
I like about myself
instead of the things I don’t.

This’ll be the day
I consciously decide
to seek
simple moments to cherish.

Cheers & Hugs,

The Road Taken