Kitty has a Name! A Charlie Guest Post

Some of you may remember when I first introduced you to one of my new BFFs, Kitty.  Kitty lives a mile or so down the road, and we get to visit on my lunch time walks with Mom.

Well – guess what?  Kitty has a name, just like I do!  My name is Charlie.

Kitty’s name is “Sebastian,” and he is a boy – just like me too!

Aren’t I so lucky to have another boy to visit and play with?

One day on our walk, Kitty’s human teenage brother was outside, so we asked him about Kitty.  It’s so nice to know his name, and isn’t it such a nice one too?!

When we get close to Sebastian’s house, my mom calls out to him.

She says,  “Kitty, Kitty, Kitty! Here Sebastian.”

I wait patiently for Kitty to emerge from who knows where and what in his yard.

If you listen VERY carefully when you watch the little video above, you will here Sebastian say,

“Meow!  Here I am!  Hi Charlie.”

But you have to listen really, really closely.  Us dogs and cats have extra special emotional intelligent super-duper x-ray hearing, so you might miss it.

After we snuggle and sniff and whisper a few secrets, Kitty visits with my mom a bit for a few ear scratches and belly rubs.  I allow her, because I know how much I love them too.

Then we turn around and head back home.  Mom goes back to work, and I take an afternoon nap or play with my donut.

It’s such a good life I have … eh?

A dog’s life!

Woofs & Wags,

P.S.  If you would like a friend like me, be sure to consider adopting!  There are lots of dogs and cats that would love to be in your home and give you lots of love. (this is where my dad and mom found me!)

Animal Friends

For more guest posts by Charlie – just type “Charlie” in the Search bar on the right.  He chimes in quite a bit here!

Family Teamwork Raising Baby Cardinal

The circle of life goes on.

Monday was one of the saddest days I’ve had since I began blogging.

But at the same time we experienced a great loss in our family, we also have the joy of watching this sweet little family that built their nest right outside our bedroom window.

Don’t you love the teamwork?!  (I hope you enlarge to watch this “riveting” video in full screen).

Baby cardinal was 8 days old here.  When Momma didn’t have anything for her to eat….

Poppa to the rescue!  What do you think that green thing is???

And did you see how quickly it went through Baby?  LOL!

How many more days till Baby flies the coop?

As you might have noticed, Baby is an only child.  There is still a lonely little egg in the nest that just doesn’t seem like it is going to hatch.

The circle of life.

It is a beautiful, sad, happy, joy-filled experience.

Cheers & Hugs,


Cardinal Hatching Egg

cardinal nest sitting on eggs

Remember our new neighbor I introduced you to last week?

Well Mama Cardinal finished shaking her tail feathers and building her nest, and is now growing her family!

Check out this little video that I cannot believe we captured:

And look what is in the nest now!

Houston – We have Eggs.  Cardinal Eggs.

And an Early Bird Bird’s Eye View from our bedroom window.  Can you believe it?!

cardinal eggs 2

So it looks like our sweet new neighbor’s family is growing…

And I hope to keep you updated.  Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to capture some video or photos of the little hatched baby cardinals as they fledge?!

Oh the anticipation!  Stay tuned.

And speaking of birds, I must share with you a beautifully-created artistic piece by one of my blogger friends, Jill from Jill’s Art Journal.

Jill and some others have made a pact and commitment to draw/create/paint and then post a new bird every day for a year.

And WOW, you wouldn’t believe how fun and exciting she makes it!

I fell instantly and totally in love with one of her drawings – a whimsical bird named Curly.

And  I shamelessly begged to have it.

Jill was so very kind to oblige and send her to me!  So all the way from the other side of the U.S. from Spokane, WA, Curly arrived this weekend in her full glory!  Could you just die how cute she is?!?!  Somehow, I feel she is a portrait of me.  🙂   Don’t ask me why?!

jill kuhn curly

And not only did Jill send me the adorable Curly, but she put a sweet note in the package and added this beautiful handmade bookmark that featured a bird on one side….

jill kuhn bookmark 2

… and a “Home Sweet Home” sentiment on the other side that Jill said she thought was just perfect for me!  How sweet is that?!?!

Thank you so much, Jill!  I am beyond thrilled and grateful.

And peeps, I so encourage you to check out her blog:  Jill’s Art Journal.  You will so enjoy her daily postings and her wildly creative talent!

jill kuhn bookmark 1

So I’ll be on cardinal nest watch “in between” everything else going on around here.

Hope you are having as much fun…. at life in between.  🙂

Cheers & Hugs,
