It’s Krautfest Time!

kf cover

It was an absolutely gorgeous Fall weekend, and a great one for the Annual Brugnoli Krautfest Party!  What a joy to be a part of the amazing festivities.

You may be thinking to yourself – “What the heck is a Krautfest?”

Our family has a long-running tradition of making homemade saurkraut, and our amazing Joyce and Rob know how to turn a “chore” into a party!

So about 40-50 family members and friends ranging in ages from 2 to 82 got together on Saturday with 600 pounds of cabbage and made a party out of making kraut!

Join me through a pictorial journey of the wonderful day.

It started with cutting…


cabbage girls

then chopping and slicing and dicing…

marty choppingMarty used his grandfather’s 100-year old cabbage cutter and embraced the heritage of using something today his grandfather used in exactly the same way all those years ago.

mason cabbage  mason cabbage 2and new generations learned the tradition.


there were measurers and salters…

measuring  measuring and salting

Then lots and lots of pounding and stomping and smooshing and smashing.


pounding close up

pounding 5

pounding 4

pounding 3

pounding 2

There was food galore!

reuben pierogies
One of my favorite treats of the day were these Reuben Pierogies!  We sauteed potato and cheese pierogies in butter until browned, then layered with a slice of pastrami, swiss cheese, picked purple cabbage, and a small dollop of Thousand Island Dressing.

mason pretzels

Warm soft pretzels were served with homemade mustard and cheese sauces.


We also had Parmesan Ranch Crusted Pierogies and Buffalo Hot Sauce Pierogies.

painting 3There was pumpkin painting,

painting 4


painting 2

ella painting

ella painting 2There were games…

mother daughter


donut game

donut game 2

dg 6

dg 5

dg 4

dg 3

dg 2

dg 1


laughs 3Zip-lining and Swinging

zip line

zip line 1

zip line 2

zip line 3


swinging 4

swinging 3

swinging 2

Friendship, Hugs, and Laughs



talking 3

talking 2


rob jodi


Michael and Ella


marty nik

games face



babies 2

Delicious cocktails – my favorite was the Bourbon Apple Cider with Rosemary Sprig!

bourbon apple cide

bourbon apple cider

We ate halushki, halupkis, pork and saurkraut, kielbassi, german potato salad, cheese polenta with homemade sauce. Oh the delicousness!!

We sang!


The saurkraut is divided up evenly between all the crocks and buckets to send home with each family…

to wait – and taste test – and wait some more – remembering the special memories we created and looking forward to enjoying the fruits of our labor throughout the year.


It was a BOOtiful day!  Thanks Joyce and Rob for your amazing hospitality.  We love you dearly!


Cheers & Hugs,


32 thoughts on “It’s Krautfest Time!

  1. OK, this is just too much for me to handle. You do know I was born in Germany, right? And that sauerkraut is a favorite family dish? Everything about this appeals to me!! I love seeing those happy children and the perfect day you all had. The German Shepherd (perfect breed for the day!) looked adorable. AND THE FOOD!! OMG, those Reuben appetizers sound incredible!!!!! i’m raving because all of my German genes have woken up from reading this post and are in a swirl. I can’t wait to read a future post on how you prepare sauerkraut!!! Oh yes, the bourbon drink. Wow.


  2. What a wonderful family tradition, Jodi! You made so much more than sauerkraut that day ~ you made warm, wonderful memories that will last a lifetime! It’s such a lovely way to pass along your family heritage to the youngest family members! Autumn blessings! ♡


  3. Jodi I love your photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved having the day with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love Ella


    • I’m glad you love them, Ella! I got some good ones of you – right?! No school today? It was such a wonderful day. I loved being with you too! Love you mucher! xo


    • Joyce and Rob are sure the most awesomest hosts ever, John. These are the kinds of days we remember as kids – eh? Those little ones ran around until well after dark. No tears, no fights – pure joy!


  4. Oh Jodi, you have made my day with the dearest, most precious pictures that I will “review’ both physically and mentally for a long time to come. After a tough day, you brought tears and smiles to me—something I needed at the end of this mentally exhausting day. Your pictures are a reminder to all—-young and old—-what great fun we can have with a wonderful community spirit in mind—family, friends, young, old appreciating what life is about. Don’t the pictures tell it all?? Again, your post is precious and spirit reviving. I shed tears of sorrow earlier today now followed by tears of joy—-a good way to end my day. Your pictures caught the “zietgiest” of the day or translation—the spirit of the times so beautifully. Warmest of hugs from this gushy Italian guy.


    • Oh Rob (writing as Joyce… even when you are being sentimental – you still have your Oh Rob moments 🙂 signing in as Joyce!) I’m glad these photos made you happy after a tough day being a paul bearer and celebrating the life of your dear lifelong friend. You and he shared many similar memories. And in an Oh Jodi moment, I must admit I had to look up the word, “zietgiest,” and find it a perfect term to express what I feel also. I love you my gushy Italian Oh Rob!!! xoxoxoxoxo


  5. Pingback: Dreamy – Weekly Photo Challenge – wwMc7 | life in between

  6. The pics are gorgeous–you truly captured the spirit of the day! Our whole family had a wonderful time, and I was glad to finally meet the family blogger. : )


  7. Pingback: Old-Fashioned Snickerdoodles | life in between

    • It was truly an amazing day with amazing friends and family. And the saurkraut is AMAZING! Had our first batch on New Year’s Day with Pork – a good luck tradition. 🙂 Next time I will add dumplings 🙂 Thanks for checking it out Jeanne.


  8. Pingback: Annual Krautfest Time | life in between

  9. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

  10. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

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