Oh Deer!


Living surrounded by woods is such a nice way to share our home with the beauty and the beasts nature provides.

I think this girl is beautiful as she prances along the edge of the woods and our yard.

Our furry son, on the other hand, thinks these “beasts” need shooed away and makes it his mission to bark and chase and keep them out of “Mikey’s yard.”

So while Mikey was barking and acting tough and big and ferocious (to no avail!), I grabbed my camera and caught a shot of this girl in the shadows of the woods yesterday…..

and I told Mikey we are allowed to share our home with her…  (I just wish she wouldn’t eat my hostas!)

Cheers & Hugs,


24 thoughts on “Oh Deer!

  1. I’d rather see my hostas go to the deer than to the snails. Snails are kind of creepy. And slimy. Every hosta I ever tried to grow over here ended up looking like a spiderweb within the week. Snails are evil. Pure evil. No wonder the French eat them… 🙂 Having said that, I wouldn’t say no to a nice, venison ragout…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Eeeewwww to snails MH! I agree! And eeewww to the venison too from me. We used to eat it when hubby hunted and it was some of our meat for the winter (back in the day when then was needed more so than now). Mikey, on the other hand, says YEHAW to venison! 🙂


  2. The deer around our cottage make short work of any flowers, so my father-in-law puts out plastic ones. i guess that’s a better solution than shooing the real deer away and replacing them with plastic lawn ornaments. Very nice photo. And not a plastic flower in sight.

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