Iridescent Ice Bubbles

icicle droplets

I was talking with a friend yesterday who asked how I was doing.   You know… just the usual small talk.

She commented, “I’ll bet you wish you were back in Florida with your friend in the warmth.”

And yes – I do wish I was back there, especially with my dear friend.  And especially because our high temperatures have barely reached double digits for the past two weeks let alone get above freezing….

Yet, as I explained to my friend, if it weren’t for these bone-chilling temps, I’m not sure I would appreciate the warmth of Spring and Summer or trips to Florida as much….

I truly love the beauty of the four distinct seasons we are fortunate to experience in my part of the world –  life here in Mars.  It always amazes me that our yard can look so differently in the different seasons, and the snow and ice I tromp through in the Winter to get to the mailbox is the same yard I lay in and walk through in bare feet in the Summer and pile leaves on in Autumn and watch life burst through in Spring.

And though the temperature was a mere 9 degrees F yesterday, the sky was a deep azure blue and the sun was shining so brightly and reflecting on the snow that I needed sunglasses.

It was melting the icicles on the back of our house, and they were glistening and sparkling like bright diamond shards against the clear sky.  And the crystal droplets created a beautiful sheet of frozen iridescent ice bubbles on the deck beneath.

Through the lens of my camera, there is so much beauty to be found.

Thanks for the reminder, Lori, and your continued support and friendship.    🙂

ice bubbles on deck from icicles dripping

Cheers & Hugs,

PS  My top photo is another entry for the WordPress Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge Rule of Thirds with Bokeh

40 thoughts on “Iridescent Ice Bubbles

  1. Beautiful photos Jodi! I especially love the drops of water. Amazing! We have had a cold front move in about 3-4 days ago and it has been cold! I got spoiled over that 60-65 deg weather for about a week and a half. Have a wonderful day! ((Hugs))

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is a beautiful place to live, Sylvia 🙂 Especially through the eyes of our cameras. Enjoy this “heat wave” today – it is 23 degrees! I think I will take a walk.


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Rule of Thirds | Coffee Breaks and Rainy Days

  3. Absolutely beautiful! As a native Floridian I really do think we get jaded about the constant warm weather. When my husband and I visited snowy Colorado, I loved the change of weather. I really do think it makes you appreciate warm weather so much more. And honestly, I wish we had the beauty of fall and winter down here. It’s something I’ve always wanted to experience.

    Liked by 1 person

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