Annual Krautfest Time


For our gang, one of the best things about Autumn is the Annual Brugnoli Friends and Family Krautfest (maybe you remember last year’s), and this past weekend delivered beautiful weather for our festivities!

We started with a crisp, foggy morning that included a beautiful breakfast buffet at Sandy and Bill’s, where most of the gang hung out to watch the annual Conneaut Lake Fall Festival Parade (and the rest of us served as candy passer-outers and parade marchers for our Boro Council candidate, dear “Oh Rob” Brugnoli.

parade 1

parade 2

kf rob boro council

parade 3

After the parade, we hurried home to prepare for the Kraut-making festivities.  Halupkis and Pierogies and Brauts and Dogs in Kraut simmering, while we set up stations to make 800 pounds worth of cabbage into the world’s best homemade saurkraut in the warm Autumn sunshine.

Stations were set up… and then began…

the cutting…

kf cutters 4

and the slicing and shredding…

kf shredders

then measuring and weighing…

kf louis and louise

kf measuring

(…and always time for a mother-daughter pose)…

kf cindy louise
kf dumping 2kf scooping

then finally stomping and pounding.

kf pounding

and laughing…

kf all betsy carl stomping laughing

and composting.
kf compostkf cutters 2





Older generations taught younger generations…

kf roddy mason

kf cutting more

kf nikole shreddingkf cuttersand friends taught friends.

kf holly slices

kf holly

More laughs…
kf joyce holly

kf rob and al

kf joyce holly laughs

lots of hugs… and giving thanks.

kf rob hug

kf rob speech




Pumpkins were painted…

kf painting pumpkins


kf painting pumpkins 3

kf painting pumpkins 2


kf kids painting pumpkins

Swings were swung…

kf kids swing

and laughter filled the air.
kf kids swing 2

Treasures were searched for…
kf kids hay

and discovered.

kf ella treasure skeleton

kf kids hay skeleton find

Lots of delicious food was eaten…

kf pretzels

kf food 1

and YES – these cookies consist of three amazing layers: chocolate chip cookie topped with Oreo cookie topped with brownie!

kf brownies

Delicious, intoxicating beverages were enjoyed.

kf bourbon apple cide

kf joyce linda
Hot peppers were sauteed and served on fresh crusty bread by friendly “witches” and warlocks.

kf doreen peppers

Families were celebrated.

kf jenna rob noah


kf noah

kf ed grandaughter 2


kf michael beer 2

We even brewed beer!

kf michael beer







krautfest bowling

It was a day full of memories… and moments…

krautfest greenhouse

and people… and music…

kf bango

and love… to be cherished.

kf view of lake
Cheers & Hugs,

65 thoughts on “Annual Krautfest Time

    • Thank you for enjoying and appreciating Cynthia. It did take me quite a while to upload and format all the photos – haha! One is still messed up, but I gave up late last night and went to bed satisfied with it anyway. I will forever have these wonderful memories through pictures and in my mind. We are so blessed with wonderful friends and family.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What fun to have a community kraut fest! My hubby is a 5th generation (well, 5th since coming to America) kraut maker. He has the equipment from his great grandfather. My FIL used to make hundreds of gallons to give to his large family. 🙂 His pork and sauerkraut dish was so good, I used to gorge myself on it. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow – how fun to learn this about you Teresa! My hubby has his grandfather’s kraut cutter too – which may actually have been his father’s. Isn’t it wonderful to share and pass down these traditions. The good ole’ days sure have something special about them. Will our younger generation have these things to share from us? I hope there are some. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hubby will pass down the crocks, slicer, and stomper, but who knows if the kids will continue the tradition? They like kraut but I don’t know if they love it enough to want to make their own one day. :} Very cool that your hubby also has the family kraut making supplies handed down to him!


    • Thanks Torrie! The best part is that they whole gang appreciates me running around with the camera capturing the day for our memories too. It is my “official” job and gets me out of other cabbage “duties” haha! Though I do spend a bit of time in the kitchen – a place I love to be 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You are so blessed to be surrounded by such a caring and loving group made of family, friends and community. We just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving this week-end and it reminds us of all the blessings in our lives and all we are grateful for. You have that in abundance, Jodi!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am Marguerite. We all have family “stuff,” but this group is so special. And one couple is Canadian (dual citizenship). I wish I would have realized. Though I’m always huggin’ and lovin’ them anyway all the time! haha!


  3. WOW Jodi! Thanks for sharing all these pics! Looks like a special time with friends! You always have such amazing gatherings like something I’d see in a magazine! Maybe you could write for Country Living Mag?!!! 😊🎃🌟

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such an amazing tradition, Jodi! It’s so wonderful to see the tradition passed on, as multiple generations work side-by-side. You captured this special time just beautifully through your lens. ♡


  5. It looks like a truly fantastic day was had by all! Halupkis! I haven’t made them in years, and He-Man’s mom made some really yummy ones. I’m sure he misses them, and his Mom who we lost almost 2 yrs ago.
    I wish we had this type of event where he would be able to enjoy this stuff since it’s all stuff he grew up with and is his heritage. I imagine there’s a large Polish community there?

    He-Man, and my kids are thrilled with the outcome of last night’s game. I have no clue though of what went down only that they won and it was exciting. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This looks all so beautiful, like the Happy Ending of a Hollywood movie about American families!!! I always adore the the beautiful landscape in your pictures! Is that a lake there in the background? You live in such a beautiful spot on earth!!! 😊🌎

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What a wonderful Fall celebration! You are so lucky to live in a community that does that. As for the sauerkraut making, that brought back some good memories. My mother-in-law always made her own Kraut, and we were all roped in for her day-long “Kraut making parties!”

    Liked by 1 person

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