Happy Place in the Fog

foggy fisherman conneaut lake

Foggy Fisherman, Conneaut Lake, PA, 10/2015

Peace and joy can be found
even when things seem foggy.

Trust your heart, your gut, your “happy place,”
and things will become clear.

Cheers & Hugs,

I captured this photo on a recent trip to Conneaut Lake, PA. We were walking to a friend’s house for breakfast before the Fall Festival Parade and our Krautfest Celebration. The fog was thick over the lake, and there was a nip in the air. Within moments, the fog cleared, the sun broke through, and the day became happy and warm and beautiful. The fog, however, was magical and beautiful and couldn’t stop this fisherman from enjoying his “happy place” on the lake.

18 thoughts on “Happy Place in the Fog

    • It was so beautiful – and it looks like this photo is in black and white, but that is exactly how it appeared. No filtering. Loved the fog that morning. 🙂 And it burned off to a beautiful day. Krautfest day 🙂

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