Awesomely Autumn

Fence and Autumn Tree Watercolor Card

It is awesomely Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, and I can’t remember the last time I have enjoyed this season so much!

Is it a more beautiful than ever one this year?  

It seems to be peaking a bit later or lasting a bit longer this year…

The sky seems bluer…

the sun warmer and brighter…

the air fresher…

the colors more vibrant.

Or has it always been like this and I am just learning to appreciate it?

Charlie and I try to talk a walk every day, and there is a beautiful yard we walk by that has this fence that has often attracted me and I have photographed before.  The colors of the trees around it yesterday were so amazing! They inspired me to come back and paint late afternoon.

I have been struggling with my watercolor painting lately… I keep thinking that I should be doing much better at this point, but then I don’t do it as much as I would like.

This little painting just felt good to do.  I was relaxed and just took a half hour to unwind and enjoy.  It is surely not a work of art, but it is a work of heART, and I’m okay with that.

Some wise artist friends have been offering great advice, and I am learning that sometimes trying too hard or not just enjoying what we are doing can stifle our creativity.  I am trying to worry less about what the end result will be and let the art speak for itself, so this is what I ended up with.

My “Mom 2,” Carole, has been an inspiration to me in the journey to learn to love Fall.  She chooses a special tree each day to appreciate, and has influenced me think about it too.

This was my tree yesterday, and I am going to send her this card to let her know how much I appreciate and think of her.

Hope you are having an awesomely amazing Autumn (or Spring for those in the Southern Hemi!).  Happy Weekend!

Cheers & Hugs,

56 thoughts on “Awesomely Autumn

  1. We drove to New York yesterday, Jodi, and the trees were so amazing that I kept playing with the question of how one would capture that in watercolor. And then, this morning, you answered the question! Lovely image, my friend–thanks so much for sharing!


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  2. Great panting, Jodi. I can see why this fall has been an inspiration. It really has been one of the best and longest we’ve had in some time. Let’s hope it sticks around a while longer..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jodi, this is art, beautiful art! Inspired by natures beauty! Yes fall feels long for once and I’m enjoying it as much as possible. We are now very yellow, much like your trees and the light refracting into my house makes everything look golden. It really is wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I feel the same way, Jodi, as you do about this Fall. This year the colors have been astounding and the displays that I am seeing are immersing me into Bliss!! I too do not remember a Fall like this. It is like Magic has descended upon the earth! As for your painting it is GORGEOUS!!! I am just SO glad someone else is enjoying Mother as I am. The colors just seem to be doing something to me, something I myself cannot even explain. Such tranquility and healing ….. Love, Amy ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is a beautiful Fall this year! I agree! I went up to the mountains last week and oh it was just gorgeous! I wanna do more sightseeing. Love your painting and how you call it a work of the heart 🙂 Just like the best writing is when its from the heart same with painting 🙂 Happy Autumn to you my friend and have a wonderful week-end!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What a lovely little painting, and such a sweet thing to do, sending it along for a friend to enjoy! You are quite right – this autumn has been glorious in the N. Hem. Sadly, at the minute I’m in Texas growing webbed feet as we are drenched by the outer bands of Patricia… poor Mexico! I dread to think how bad it is down there. However, my recent road trip was a joy, enjoying the southern fall foliage. Glorious! 🙂 xx MH

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  7. You are right ~ this Fall has been awesome! I recently discovered your blog via Almost Iowa and I’m so looking forward to following you on all your adventures: writing, photography, painting, baking plus a full time job!! Jodi, you are one of those inspiring women who make me wonder, how does she do it all? Congratulations on your wonderful blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Now I really like this painting, Jodi. And…I love that you’ll send it to Mom2 in appreciation. What better thing could be done with your own art than to share it with your inspirations? !! Also, this autumn has been great…I thought last year was the best I’d ever seen, but this one does seem even better.


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