Watch me Whip – Watch me Bake Bake

watch me whip watch me bake bake christmas aprons

I’m guessing most of you are familiar with the current party dance song if you’ve been to a wedding or holiday party recently or listen to the radio:  Whip Nae Nae!   (I dare you not to wiggle when you hear this song!)

So taking on this twist, I made 12 aprons for a Holiday Cookie Swap my daughter-in-law hosted last night.  ( and I can’t wait to share more on the amazing party she threw when I get a chance!)

For now, gotta BOP BOP BOP to wear off those cookies!  🙂


Cheers & Hugs,



27 thoughts on “Watch me Whip – Watch me Bake Bake

    • Oh she is my hero, George! I couldn’t be blessed with a sweeter daughter (in law). I can’t wait to share the sweet beautiful details of her party. She is a ROCK STAR hostess! I am so proud of her, and I love her so dearly!

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