Pink Clouds and Puddles

pink sky and puddles

One day last week

when it seemed to rain all day

the sky cleared up just enough

right before dusk

for Charlie and I to walk to the mailbox

at the end of the driveway

for a bit of a stretch

and the chance to deeply inhale

the damp, crisp, clean air.

When we turned around

to head back home

my jaw dropped open

and a gasp escaped

when this was the sight

that awaited our return.

Pink clouds and puddles

shimmering in the day’s last light.

No white Christmas,

but what is wrong with PINK?!

Cherish the moments of now.

Cheers & Hugs,


34 thoughts on “Pink Clouds and Puddles

  1. This is GORGEOUS and one of those “picture is worth a thousand words” moments. I think you are a gifted photographer, and I really hope to see more of your photos in the coming year. They are exquisite. Charlie there in the foreground makes it even more perfect. Beautiful job, my friend! Happy Happy to you tomorrow! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jodi, this photo is spectacular. As I look back on all the wonderful postings from the past year, I am amazed at all you have done and tried and excelled: photography, poetry, card-making, recipes, events, cookbooks, painting, etc. And I do mean etc. because the list goes on. I marvel at all you do, including a job, and wonder how you get it all done. You must have an inner drive that propels you to try, to dare, to think and imagine, and to succeed. You are truly a loving and caring person and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading “you” since day one. Bless you, Jodi, at the dawn of this new year 2016. I look forward to having you in my life, even at a cyber level. You are a teacher and an inspiration. xoxo

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Always love to see outside after a good rain. I want to quietly say..happy birthday to you! Have the best day ever. Stop by my little blog when you can, my singing is bad so I left something on my table for you 🙂


  4. beautiful painted sky Jodi! magic! ….and You, are going to go to photography course?! geesh, I’d say – you don’t need to 🙂 I’m so glad that you saw my post that day a few months ago, its been fun and wonderful every week reading your posts + Charlie’s! enjoy the evening – cheers, Debi


  5. You inspire me Jodi! Love how you see beauty all around you! 💜 Lovely poem and photo! 😊 We have a little sunshine today so I’m going to take some photos of the snow on the trees. Maybe I’ll get lucky and capture a beautiful moment like you! Bear hugs! ❤️🐻❄️

    Liked by 1 person

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