A Blink and a Half

I had the good fortune of being invited to visit with this adorable family yesterday and taking a few photos.  Sweet little Baby Dean is only a month old.  His handsome Big Brother Luke is 3.

They just so happen to be my amazing Daughter-in-Law, Colleen’s, nephews.

Sure reminded me of what seemed like just a blink and a half ago when my two boys were about the same age.

Turns out that blink and a half was 25 years ago…


Don’t blink – ‘cuz just like that…..

Cheers & Hugs,


45 thoughts on “A Blink and a Half

  1. Oh Jodi, your photography captured each precious moment perfectly. What a beautiful family. And, you are so right, blink and the kids are grown. I love the Kenny C song.
    Thanks for posting your wonderful artistry this morning.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Sharon! I was so nervous! External flash wasn’t working and I had to turn the ISO up high for lighting, which adds noise. Oh it is fun – but I always want to please, and I was so worried I didn’t capture. I love that song so much, too. It is in my head all day now 🙂

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    • Big brother is so cute and sweet! I always try to remember them. In fact took him a little gift – haha! What little boy doesn’t love a fire truck that makes a siren noise – right?! 🙂 I could totally not make my living doing it. So stressful! I get so worried about it. If I was gettiing paid I would be even more stressed! They gave me such a lovely thank you gift, I wanted to please them so much, but my skills are limited. Happy Sunday Laura – hope you get to draw and splash today. xo

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  2. Loved your photos – especially little bro in his hat! Very sweet family! ❤️ And good message today! Enjoyed the video as I love the song and it is so true how life goes by very fast as we age. Enjoy each moment! 😄🌈💕

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  3. So many beautiful captures, Jodi, they will be cherished I am sure. Although I love my bird ops, my number one subject to photograph are my grandsons. Digital photography is so awesome, we couldn’t snap away like we did back with our kids, it cost too much for all those blurry photos! lol

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