Eva’s First Birthday

Eva Birthday 1 Card

Some of you might remember little Eva from some photos I shared several months ago.

Well – time sure does fly, and Eva just turned ONE!

Eva’s Aunt Liz asked if I would make a special card for her sweet little niece’s first birthday.  The request included incorporating an elephant, so Eva’s baby elephant is glammed up a bit with a purple velvet bow and a tiny pearl.

I had so much fun drawing and painting this card for an exceptional little princess.

Wishing you a day and year ahead as special as you little Eva!

Cheers & Hugs,


52 thoughts on “Eva’s First Birthday

  1. Sweet, So Sweet!!.. I love your little card for Eva Jodi !!.Nothing Happier than LITTLE Gray Elephant.. He is ADORABLE… Such a TALENT, and gift of CardMaking!!.. Wishing you a very Happy Day… 🎈🎈.. AND sunshine HUGS!!.. Your friend, JOANNE 🎶💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks George! How time flies – eh?! I hope the next 6 months go fast for me to become a grandma! 🙂 And Eva’s Mom told me she is going to frame the card. How sweet – huh?!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Good day again.. Jodi !!.I keep looking at your Card for Eva..Smile. I love your Store, and look forward to more Creations, but as well, these Little Specialty Card you make for friends and family.. Are just So inspirational..Stamping, folkArt, and Cardmaking , hand drawn and painted, never go out of style..SPECIAL JODI!!.. And fam!!..Totally, Awed From MARS.. GOING TO Micheals, is back on my list.. Thank you for being YOU!!.. 🎶🎶 Joanne 🌹

    Liked by 1 person

  3. wow Jodi, that is a fabulous design and so cute!
    these would really sell like hotcakes!!
    especially as originals one off watercolors!!! everyone would want a special original, that no one else has, for their little tyke 🙂
    elephants, turtles, giraffes, …boy, a whole slew of things to try!

    Liked by 1 person

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