Blue Bird of Happiness

blue bird

Blue Bird, Mars, PA June, 2016

One lovely, bright blue bird
has chosen to make our backyard his home.

Oh how happy he makes me
with every appearance.

Amidst your brown and white and black and red and yellow-feathered friends,
you truly are the blue bird of happiness.


Cheers & Hugs,

54 thoughts on “Blue Bird of Happiness

      • It is an English children song, sung singing and playing with the children:

        Bluebird, bluebird, through my window.
        Bluebird, bluebird, through my window.
        Bluebird, bluebird, through my window.
        Oh, Johnny, I am tired.

        Redbird, redbird, through my window.
        Redbird, redbird, through my window.
        Redbird, redbird, through my window.
        Oh, Johnny, I am tired.

        Yellowbird, yellowbird, through my window.
        Yellowbird, yellowbird, through my window.
        Yellowbird, yellowbird, through my window.
        Oh, Johnny, I am tired

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  1. The bluebird is our state bird…and yet I rarely see them. Thank goodness for beautiful pictures of our “happiness” bird. Thanks for posting it. 🙂


    • I know right?! He’s been coming every day for over a week now – and we also have a Baltimore Oriole, which is a bit uncommon too! So much fun to have all these colorful friends in the backyard! I had a group of girlfriends over last evening and they couldn’t believe all the different birds 🙂


  2. Yes, a first year male Indigo Bunting I think.Hopefully he will return next year and there will hardly be any brown in his feathers left. How exciting to have him visiting your yard! I’ve never seen one, though they migrate through here I’ve just not ever been where they’ve been. 🙂

    Oh yes, I agree with those who suggested it above about painting him. I’m sure it would be beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well – I actually have a little bird finder book and look to match up – plus – if you read through comments here, seems many other have recognized and identified who are more expert than me. Lastly – in the bird world – kinda like in Texas on your street 🙂 the males are always the more strikingly beautiful. WINK! Actually nature plans it that way to protect the females by making them more camouflaged. Isn’t that cool?!

      Liked by 2 people

      • As you can tell, I know nothing about birds, except some are more beautiful than others. I thought maybe you looked somewhere on the bird – you know at its parts? LOL, kidding – Have a great day! And yes you are correct about the Texas males! 🙂


  3. oh my, talk about happy!!
    great shot Jodi! 🙂 those Blues!!! fingers itch for the paints now…. indanthrone and cerulean + some white…. wow. what a beautiful shades of blue this bird has. Jodi, A question….. how did you get the photo edges to be darker at the edges?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a great capture, Jodi. Although bluebirds are in my area, they’re elusive and I rarely see them. Enjoy this little guy in your back yard!

    Liked by 1 person

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