Ellie the Elephant


I’m not much of a seamstress,
but I have always admired those who excel at this craft.

When I learned I was to become a grandma to a sweet baby girl,
I had to make her something special….

Something soft…
Something pink…

Something to love…
Something to show my love.

So I went to Jo-Ann’s and bought a pattern,
and I gave it my best shot.

And while I pinned and cut and stitched…
I dreamed of being the Grandma my Grandma was to me.

I dreamed of our little girl falling asleep in my arms,
and I dreamed of her falling asleep with this little lovie in her arms.

and while I dreamed,
Ellie the Elephant was born.

Cheers & Hugs,

55 thoughts on “Ellie the Elephant

  1. What a wonderful grandma you are already!! When her tiny angel arms are wrapped around that little gift of love, Ellie, she’s going to think of you and know how special of a grandma she will have in her life. I am so excited for you and your family, God Bless!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Claire! Ellie so reminds me too of the Spotted elephant on the island of misfit toys. Rudolph is my ALL TIME favorite Christmas special. I think I know every line by heart – and I still watch it every year and sing loud and proud – LOL! 🙂


    • Thanks PJ! You know – I thought long and hard and resisted the cute animal eyes and sewed these buttons on so so so tight. But I will discuss with Mom and Dad and see if we should remove. thanks for your concern!!

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  2. Awwww, so so sweet Jodi! When I found out about my first grandchild, I bought a needlepoint Xmas stocking and got busy, because my mom made stockings for my children… you just have to do something!!! I love that soft chenille fabric you chose and of course the elephant! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I think you did a wonderful job with Ellie the Elephant! More importantly, I know how important your grandmother was to you, and that means you have a wonderful example to follow when this baby arrives. You will be a terrific grandmother, and you know your grandmother would be so proud!

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  4. Jodi
    You will be the best Grandma and Clara will be blessed to have such a special special special Grandma (and pap)! You learned from the best and she already shines through you in all you do each day!! I can’t wait to se Clara and Ellie wrapped in your arms!! XOXO


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