December Snow


Front Yard, Mars, PA December, 2016

December snow
is the brightest snow.

It makes the sky bluer
and tree trunks browner.

December snow cleanses the earth
and also the soul.

It evokes memories
and fills us with anticipation.

December snow…
I love your Christmas spirit.

Cheers & Hugs,

32 thoughts on “December Snow

  1. No snow here at present, Jodi, but we’re in the throes of Storm Barbara right now and she’s brought visibility down to inches – kind of like being in a blizzard, but without the snow! 😯 😀
    I’m whizzing through Blogland trying to get to as many blogs as possible with a pre-prepared comment, but then thought I’d be marked as spam if I posted the same thing over and over again, so have to add a comment as well as the pre-prepared one to make it a little more unique. And breathe. And here’s the other comment…
    My visiting, replying, commenting and the like have fallen a little by the wayside of late, for which I apologise, but wanted to call by today and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

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