Pink Dogwood Blossoms in Watercolor

Pink Dogwood Blossoms Watercolor - 11x14 140lb Cold Press Saunders

Pink Dogwood Blossoms Watercolor – 11×14 140lb Cold Press Saunders

Pink Dogwood Blossoms in Watercolor

As we begin the month of June and the warmth of Summer is upon us,
I celebrate the end of Spring with this painting of Pink Dogwood Blossoms.

We only have white dogwood trees in our yard, but they are very old.
I wonder about their history as they were here on the property for likely many years before we built our house on the wooded 3 1/2 acre plot we’ve called home for 17 years now.

Some have died and had to be cut down this Spring.  Makes me sad to see them go, but maybe we can replace them with some new pink ones.  Maybe the old white ones can share stories with the new pink ones.  Do you ever wonder if the trees and other things in nature communicate to each other?

Cheers & Hugs,

Thanks Andrew Geeson for another inspiration Youtube tutorial!

34 thoughts on “Pink Dogwood Blossoms in Watercolor

  1. Lovely colors! It is always hard for me to loose a tree or plant in our yard too. We lost some ornamental grasses over the winter that we have to replace. But I think trees are the hardest to loose as they take so long to grow. I like your idea of replacing the white trees with pink ones. 💕💗🌸 Your painting is beautiful! You are so good with choosing color. 🎨👍

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  2. These are lovely. I’ve tried several times to grow a pink dogwood here in Charlotte, NC as we have all the white ones we need but alas, I’ve killed all of them. The pink ones, that is.


  3. Wow again, so pretty. We too have a few Dogwood trees. Never knew they came in pink. If you plant some hope you’ll photograph them, your photos are as lovely as your paintings.


  4. Your paintings just keep getting better and better, Jodi! And I like to think that maybe plants do communicate with each other, at least a little bit. Sorry about your white dogwoods, but maybe plant a few pink ones since you like them so much?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Just saw this painting of your, nearly a year old,. Beautiful. I just recently discovered Dogwood tree comes in pink. We are fortunated to have several on our property. 1 is huge & the flowers are 6″ -8″ wide maybe more, but the tree is 60- 100 feet I’m guessing, I can only see them from my front deck as it canopys over the top of my house. It is so gorgeous . Love your beautiful painting. May 21, 2018.

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