The “Man-Servant” of Moonbeam Farm

The “Man-Servant” of Moonbeam Farm.

Another character from Moonbeam Farm has come to life!

Please allow me to introduce you to the “Man-Servant” who lives with his animal friends Odessa, Dewey, and Jaxon.

You may recall me introducing you to his friends this past week, beginning with a “just for fun” stab I took at painting Odessa the owl in watercolor at the urging of my blogging friend Carolyn at Nuggets of Gold, who is collaborating with Colin at A Dog’s Life on a children’s book.

Carolyn and Colin were so pleased with the painting of Odessa, they asked if it could be used as the cover photo for their first book, “The Odessa Chronicles.”  I am honored to do so, and I must admit quite flattered and thrilled!  I was then encouraged to paint Dewey and Jaxon, which they ended up loving too.

Then I needed to create the Man-Servant.  Unlike the others, which I created on a first-try, Man-Servant took four iterations before we all decided he was the one.  At first, I was a bit frustrated, but I grew to love creating this character.   The Man-Servant is a human in the senior years of his life, who actually believes he runs Moonbeam Farm.

It’s been fun bringing these characters to life.  I’m now going to venture into creating more to be included in the book.  It’s a fun journey, and I hope you’ll enjoy it with us.





Cheers & Hugs,

53 thoughts on “The “Man-Servant” of Moonbeam Farm

  1. Great work Jodi and, although I am pretty sure that it will get harder as we progress through different scenes for you to work on, it should certainly be very satisfying in the end. Just keep those colors handy, and those brushes wet! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bravo Jodi, I’m so excited for you…a job well done!!!
    Can’t wait to see your other characters for the “Odessa Chronicles”. Did you ever think that you would get to this point when you first picked up a brush?
    So exciting, I can’t wait to see the book, keep us posted!
    Have a great day,

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Man-servant… Yeah, I know what that is. 🙂

    Once while I was lugging around the things that my wife and her sister bought at an antique mall, I was accused of being a “manpanion”. 🙂


  4. Through your blog I have been able to follow the amazing unfolding of this book and it is a delightful journey! Your blog led me to the blogs by Caroline and Colin – all three blogs are fantastic! I am enjoying this process of the book’s creation. Your artwork is a beautiful addition and you should be very proud. I am an honored follower of the unfolding tales of these sweet characters and their man-servant. Thank-you all!!

    Liked by 4 people

    • “Thanks so much Ellen. Gotta nap now” – Dewey
      “You’ll love our stories Ellen” – Jaxon
      “They’re a fun bunch to live with Ellen” – Man-Servant
      “Hi Ellen. I am the stabilizing influence in the book but, being also a female, you probably already assumed that!” – Odessa
      “Hi Ellen. Thank you so much for your kind words, and please stay tuned for book updates!” – Colin

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Incredible paintings, Jodi. So life-like. And the muted coloring is perfect. You definitely have a talent, especially the eyes, difficult to do. Congratulations on being a children’s book illustrator. 🌺🌷🌸 Christine

    Liked by 2 people

  6. So excited for you!! 💕🌈😄 WHOOT!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 You go girl!! 🎨👍 Another AWEsome painting, Jodi!! 💜 People are not easy to draw and you did a wonderful job! 👍

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Hi Jodi., Great paintings for JR’s new book. I have a question for you. I’m doing a writer interview for JR and her book and I’m wondering if you would be okay with me using the pictures of paintings of the characters in JR’s books in the interview. Of course your blog would be mentioned and you would be given full credits for the photos of the paintings. Let me know if this is okay with you.

    And if you are interested in doing your own blogger interview, I would love to feature you in July if you’re interested. Let me know

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That’s wonderful that Odessa is going to be the cover of the book! You really are a gifted artist! I love all of the illustrations you’ve come up with for the book so far, and I’m not the least surprised that the authors do too.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Pingback: Creative Inspiration in Food, Watercolor, Photography, Writing and Life in Between.

  10. Pingback: Interview with Carolyn Shelton Author, Writer, and Blogger #amwriting #nonfiction #interview #author – Mandibelle16

  11. Pingback: Interview with Carolyn Shelton Writer, Author, and Blogger #amwriting #nonfiction #interview #author | Go Dog Go Café

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